Letter to Yale Administration to Combat Antisemitism

November 20, 2023

Dear President Salovey and Provost Strobel,

We write to you as a community of Yale University alumni, faculty, and parents, both Jewish and non-Jewish, who have been deeply saddened to watch the tidal wave of antisemitism sweeping across campuses all over the United States. Our beloved alma mater, Yale University, has been no exception. We never imagined that we would feel compelled to write you such a letter, and we write with heavy hearts.

Yale espouses the values of Lux et Veritas. In the words of Yale’s For Humanity campaign, “We must ensure that the brightest people from all backgrounds have the support they need to study here and to thrive.” As Yale nurtures the leaders of tomorrow, the inclusive community it seeks to foster must include its Jewish students.

Recent events on campus, sadly, show that Yale has abdicated its responsibility. Below are three examples of an ongoing series of incidents and behaviors that do not measure up to Yale’s lofty values, yet have been tolerated on campus.

Hate speech from faculty:

On October 7th, we woke to the horrifying news that Hamas terrorists had infiltrated Israel and committed atrocities on a scale that was previously unimaginable. We were shocked when the response of a Yale professor to the heinous Hamas terror attack was to celebrate it on our very own campus. Associate Professor Zareena Grewal retweeted a video of the attack with the caption “It’s been such an extraordinary day.” As if war crimes are acceptable, she stated that “Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle (New York Post, October 12, 2023).” A Professor of American Studies should know the difference between resistance and war crimes. Yale’s Jewish students cannot feel safe in her classroom while she celebrates the slaughter of their friends and family.

Hate speech from peers:

Yalies4Palestine also supported the Hamas attack. At their rally on October 25th, supporters shouted “When people are occupied, resistance is justified (Yale Daily News, October 26, 2023).” Gaza is not occupied; it has been under Hamas rule since 2006, after Israel pulled out unilaterally in 2005. Other statements made by supporters of Yalies4Palestine, as documented on their Instagram page, include the infamous “from the river to the sea,” which calls for the genocide of Jews  who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This area encompasses the entire State of Israel. Hamas called for the murder of all Jews in its 1988 charter. “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, killing the Jews (Hamas Charter, 1988).” Chanting in support of genocide outside the dormitories of Jewish students constitutes harassment and creates an unsafe environment.

Hate speech from visiting academics / exclusion of pro-Israel voices:

The current University climate of antisemitism does not exist in a vacuum. Prior to October 7th, Yale hosted a French academic who posed with a sign calling for Jews to be sent to gulags. Houria Bouteldja told the world that she identified with a terrorist who carried out a mass shooting in a Jewish school (New York Post, April 18, 2023). Not only was she hosted by the University, but the event occurred on the second night of Passover, when Jewish students celebrated their holiday and were thus unable to attend and provide an alternate viewpoint. The Yale administration would be unlikely to turn a blind eye to a visiting academic who called for other minorities to be sent to labor camps. There should not be a double standard for Jewish students.

In sum, Yale has enabled a climate of hostility to Jews and pro-Israel voices.

A failure of the duty to protect Jewish students:

The administration’s response to these events is a glaring double standard, hiding behind free speech. A University statement on November 3rd recognized that these words can cause “some in our community” to feel “dehumanized”, and called for compassion and humanity in our “community of many viewpoints.” We support the tenet of free speech on campus so long as it does not violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Let us be clear: calling for genocide does more than dehumanize your Jewish students. It is a direct threat. It makes them feel unsafe. The burden of response should not be theirs to bear. It should not require an extraordinary act of courage on the part of the University to call out antisemitism. Looking the other way legitimizes hate speech against Jews, and that too is antisemitism.

In our country and on our campus, Jewish students are afraid to wear symbols of their identity. They are afraid to wear their stars of David or yarmulke or carry an Israeli flag because of the antisemitic environment in which they live and learn.

According to Yale’s policy on harassment, effective August 1, 2021, “harassment means subjecting an individual to objectively offensive, unwelcome conduct based on any of the protected characteristics (including race, religion, or national origin), when such conduct…creates an intimidating or hostile environment.” The above examples unequivocally constitute harassment according to Yale’s own definition.

Yale’s legal responsibility:

On November 7th, the Department of Education sent a Dear Colleague Letter to remind schools of their legal obligations under Title VI to provide all students, including students who are or are perceived to be Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, Arab, or Palestinian, a school environment free from discrimination, including harassment. As outlined by the multiple examples above, that is not the case for Jewish students on campus today.

Our proposal:

President Salovey’s October 10th condemnation of Hamas made a clear statement about the University’s values. Now is the time to put actions to those words. In order to assure our community of the administration’s serious commitment to tackle antisemitism, we request the following:

1. Reject Antisemitism:

2. Protect Jewish Students:

  • Discipline faculty or students who threaten Yale’s Jewish community, which includes banning groups that advocate violence against Jews or against Israel. Law enforcement should be involved when threats are made.
  • Create a blue ribbon antisemitism task force on campus that reports to the President, addressing the welfare and safety of Jews at Yale.
  • Expand DEIB to include required antisemitism training, and include members of the antisemitism task force within the existing DEIB framework.

3. Include the Jewish narrative:

  • Diversify to include Jewish and pro-Israel faculty in departments where they are currently underrepresented.
  • Commit to gathering Yale experts from multiple disciplines and perspectives to teach the history and geopolitics that have led to current events.

We call on your commitment to the For Humanity campaign, your decency, and your obligation to your students. The current state of affairs is unacceptable. Yale can and should do better.

This year, we observed the eighty-fifth anniversary of Kristallnacht. When the world failed to act, Nazis discovered they could commit ever-increasing crimes against the Jews, culminating in the mass murder of 6 million.

If you ever asked yourself what you would have done in the Holocaust, this is your moment. We cannot remain silent. We will not remain silent. Yale’s Jewish community feels alienated, unwelcome, and unheard. Actions matter. We look forward to yours.


Concerned Yale alumni, parents, and faculty

cc: The Yale Corporation

This letter is open to Yale University alumni, Yale faculty, and Yale parents. Signing this letter implies both consent to be included in the list of signatories to this letter and the understanding that this letter will be made public online and in print.

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UPDATE:  This letter, with its first 1,174 signatures, was delivered to President Salovey and Trustees of the Yale Corporation on November 20, 2023.   President Salovey issued an official statement on December 7, 2023 in response to this and other outreach.  The Steering Committee behind this letter has been in communication with President Salovey since then to update the number of signatories and discuss the content, and positive efforts are taking shape to address these concerns.  Please feel free to add your name in support of this letter, and include your email address in order to receive any updates.
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Signature:  Name and Yale Affiliation *

To sign, please use the following format: [Name], [Yale Affiliation: e.g. BA '12, JD '12, Parent '12, Faculty].

Please note there is a lag (potentially a few hours) between submission of this form and one's name appearing below. To submit a signature, kindly scroll past the signatories and click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.

This letter is open to Yale University alumni, faculty, and parents, Jews and non-Jews. Signing this letter implies both consent to be included in the list of signatories and the understanding that it will be made public online and in print.
  1. A. Tutman, SOM, YSPH, 2018
  2. Aaron Craig, BA '95, LAW '99
  3. Aaron Dickstein, BS ‘23
  4. Aaron Herman, SOM '18
  5. Aaron Kinderlehrer, Yale Law 73
  6. Aaron M. Roland BA '79
  7. Aaron Morgenstern, Parent ‘26
  8. Aaron Szafer, Ph.D. '91
  9. Abby Johnston, BA 1998
  10. Abby Kantor Smith, BA '03
  11. Abby Troy, BA '18
  12. Abigail Pogrebin, BA ‘87, Parent ‘21
  13. Abraham Mezrich, BA '98
  14. Ada Fenick, MD, Faculty
  15. Adam D Rubin, BA ‘90
  16. Adam Davis, BA '95
  17. Adam Dorfman, BA ‘94
  18. Adam Hirst, Yale 2010
  19. Adam M. Pechter BA ‘93
  20. Adam Marks, BA ‘95
  21. Adam Mayer BA '97
  22. Adam Metzger, BA '08
  23. Adam Schor, Parent ‘24
  24. Adam Sragovicz BA '91, Parent' 22 and '23
  25. Adam V. Sussman, BA ‘07
  26. Adir Waldman, BA ‘97, JD ‘02
  27. Aimee Altschul, BA ‘92
  28. Aimee Wolfson BA ‘87, LAW ‘90
  29. Akiva Dickstein, BA '90, Parent '16, '20, '23
  30. Akiva Shapiro MA '08
  31. Alan Dershowitz, LLB 1962
  32. Alan Frankel, BS '88
  33. Alan Hirschfeld, B.S. ‘73
  34. Alan Jotkowitz MD 92
  35. Alan S. Penziner, BA '73, MD '77, Parent '07 and '11
  36. Alan Wagshal,  BA '73 MD '77
  37. Albert F. Shamash, BA&MA, 1973
  38. Alberto Masliah, BA ‘07
  39. Alec Ellison, BA ‘84,  Parent ‘15,  Parent ‘18
  40. Alex Kogan, MAM ‘16
  41. Alex Lederman, BA '20
  42. Alex Mah, BS ‘93
  43. Alex Spinrad, BA '73
  44. Alexander Marcus, BS ‘92
  45. Alexander Mendelsohn, BA ‘18
  46. Alexander Schmitt-Glaeser, LLM '89
  47. Alexander Troy BA '81
  48. Alexandra Bercow, BA ‘11
  49. Alexandra L. Newman, BA ‘05
  50. Alexis Krasilovsky, B.A. '71
  51. Alice Karen Altman, BA '72
  52. Alice Welt Cunningham, BA ‘71
  53. Alina Tsyrulnik, EM residency ‘12, Faculty
  54. Alisa Mall, BA ‘99
  55. Alisa Mendelsohn, BA ‘07
  56. Alisa Rubin, BA '87
  57. Alison Feit, BA ‘94, Parent ‘24
  58. Aliza Dzik, BA '99, YSOA '06
  59. Aliza Gordon, BA ‘08
  60. Alla Londinski, BS '09 Parent
  61. Allie Alperovich JD 2003
  62. Allison Eden Karn BA ‘90 M.Arch ‘95
  63. Allison Hertz, BA '05
  64. Alon Harel, LL.M. 1989
  65. Alyssa (Reiffel) Golas, BS ‘02
  66. Amalia Chua Halikias, BA ‘15
  67. Amanda Siegel, BA '85
  68. Ami Kleinman, BA '90
  69. Amir H. Raubvogel, JD '91
  70. Amir Kishon, PhD '92
  71. Amit Oren, PhD.  Faculty
  72. Amy Ahasic, BA ‘96, MD ‘00
  73. Amy Gaudry Dulin, BA ‘88
  74. Amy Glickman JD ‘88
  75. Amy Goodman BA ‘83
  76. Amy Lief, BA ‘95
  77. Amy Persky, P ’01, P ’04
  78. Amy R. Shapiro, BA ‘99
  79. Amy Reichert, BA '81, MArch '87
  80. Amy S. Dubin, Parent '25
  81. Amy Schottenstein, BA '87
  82. Amy Schwartz, MD, Faculty
  83. Amy Tyson BA '81 MD '89
  84. Anandi Subramanian, BS '88
  85. Andrea Lait Hite, BA ‘95
  86. Andrea Mandel-Mantello, BA ‘81
  87. Andrés Martin, MPH ‘02, Faculty
  88. Andrew A. Gans, MPH, BS '87
  89. Andrew Haas, BA ‘91
  90. Andrew I. Port, BA '89
  91. Andrew Kuritzkes BA ‘82
  92. Andrew L. Scharf, BA’87
  93. Andrew Laszlo, Parent '19
  94. Andrew Pessin, BA '84
  95. Andrew Postman, BA '83
  96. Andrew Rittenberg, BA 1992
  97. Andrew Sloan, BS'85
  98. Andrew Steinberg, PC ‘08
  99. Andy Morris, BA ‘99
  100. Angelika Zoubek, Parent '18
  101. Angie Atkins, BA ‘85
  102. Ann Klein, BA ‘99
  103. Anna Boltyanskiy BA ‘16
  104. Anna Fridman Parent'20
  105. Anna Grinberg, AD ’04
  106. Anna Mendelsohn, BA '89, Parent '16, '20' '23
  107. Anna S Bader, MD MS, Faculty
  108. Anna Ziegler, BA ‘01
  109. Anne Diamond, BA’85, Parent ‘09, ‘12 and ‘24
  110. Anne Ghory-Goodman, BA ‘71, MFA ‘73
  111. Anne Hazelwood, spouse '60, parent, grandparent
  112. Anne Hoagland Magoun BA ‘71
  113. Anne Kuzminsky, BS '85
  114. Anthony Bregman,  BA '88
  115. Anthony Brenner, BA’79
  116. Anthony Gagliardi, BS ‘17
  117. Anthony R. Kesler II, MAR '11
  118. Arden Johnson, BS ‘80
  119. Ari Bildner BA ‘09 MBA ‘16
  120. Ari Selman, BA ‘02
  121. Ariel Lavinbuk, JD 06
  122. Ariel Lefland, MD, MHS ‘24, Clinical Associate, YSM Department of Neurology
  123. Ariel Nurieli, BA '93
  124. Ariel Troy Mensah, BA ‘12
  125. Aron D. Rose, MD, Faculty
  126. Arthur Charles Shalman BA 1976
  127. Arthur Cohen, BA ‘76
  128. Arthur Rabson Parent ‘93
  129. Arthur Rubin, BA '89
  130. Arthur Seltzer MD Yale Faculty
  131. Asa Greenberg, BA '98
  132. Asaf Etgar, Graduate Student
  133. Asaf Farhi, Postdoc 23
  134. Asaf Gavrieli, MBA ‘23
  135. Asher Crispe, Parent '25
  136. Ashley Schiff Ramos SY ‘96
  137. Asriel Levin, PhD ‘92
  138. Atara Stein, BA '85
  139. Avi I. Hauser, PhD '85
  140. Avi Katz parent’22
  141. Avi Perez, SOM '01
  142. Avi Perry, BA '05, JD '10
  143. Avi Sutton (BA ‘10, JD ‘13)
  144. Avner Geva, BS ‘06
  145. Avram Durling, BS ‘18+1, Alumni
  146. Ayalon Eliach, BA '06
  147. Azadeh Farin cc 97
  148. Babette Leslie Sommer, BA 1976
  149. Barbara  Sasson, parent 2000, 2001, 2005
  150. Barbara Abramson, BA '73
  151. Barbara Brown, JD ‘71
  152. Barbara Deinhardt BA ‘73
  153. Barbara J. Zarsky, BA ‘73
  154. Barbara Landress, BA ‘85
  155. Barbara Miller BA ‘72
  156. Barbara Twigg, BA ‘71
  157. Barbra Lesh, Psychiatry residency 2005
  158. Barbra Parlin B.A. ‘90
  159. Barry Chaiken, Yale BA ‘72
  160. Barry Kornblau, BA '99
  161. Barry Rand MD ‘71
  162. Ben Decker, MBA ‘23
  163. Ben Gordon, BA '95
  164. Bena Brandwein Schwartz, MS ‘95, MPhil ‘96, PhD ‘97
  165. Benjamin Barasch BA ‘14
  166. Benjamin Barnett, BA '02
  167. Benjamin Chaidell, BA ‘11
  168. Benjamin Fitt, BA '74, Parent '17
  169. Benjamin Gurvitz BA ‘05
  170. Benjamin Klein, JD ‘10
  171. Benjamin Lerner, MD ‘16, MHS ‘22, Faculty
  172. Benjamin Negin BS '00, MD '04
  173. Benjamin Podbilewicz, PhD '91
  174. Benjamin Z. Kedar, PhD '69
  175. Bernard Stanford, BA '17
  176. Bernard Weiner,M.D., Parent ‘08
  177. Beth Goldman, BA '84, P '24
  178. Beth Schermer, BA '77
  179. Beth Winograd, P '25
  180. Betsy Sheerr, BA ‘72, MPhil ‘76, Parent ‘95
  181. Bianca Gersten SY ‘07
  182. Bill Tauscher, BA '72
  183. Bob Spielman BA '70
  184. Bobbi Padilla, BA ‘99
  185. Bobby Cronin, BA ‘95
  186. Bohan Lou, BS ‘21
  187. Bonnie Siegel P15, P23, past Chair Parents’ Fund
  188. Boris Berman, faculty
  189. Boris Feldman, BA 77, JD 80
  190. Boris Nalibotski, Parent ‘09
  191. Boris Slutsky, Faculty
  192. Boruch K. Helman, Parent ‘87
  193. Brad Berger BA '77
  194. Bradford A. Berenson, BA ‘86
  195. Brahm Gardner, BK '17
  196. Brandon Chabner, BA '87
  197. Brendan Schulman, BA '96
  198. Brian Ford BA '02
  199. Brian Fried, PhD '13
  200. Brian Ingram TD '93
  201. Brian Lester MD ‘01
  202. Brian Scharf, BA '99
  203. Brian Weinstein, BA 1996
  204. Brooke (Heilweil) Pollak, BA ‘02
  205. Bruce Chabner, B. A. '61, P' '87,'89, Grandparent'20,'22,'23
  206. Bruce F Heitler BA 67, JD 72, Parent '96, '97, '00
  207. Bruce Gillis, BA 1980  (class of '79)
  208. Bruce Goldner, Parent ‘25
  209. Bryant Carter Brooks, BA '88
  210. Byron Edwards, BA ‘13
  211. Camillo Padulli, BA ‘25
  212. Candace Corson, BA ‘73, M.D. ‘76
  213. Candace Lindemann BA ‘98
  214. Cara Freedman, BA '95
  215. Carice Witte BA '83
  216. Carissa Abbott BA'02
  217. Carl Accettola, Parent’16
  218. Carl Posy, BA '66, PhD '71, P '98, Faculty '14
  219. Carl R Nash, BA '68
  220. Carla Devillers, BA '85, Parent '25
  221. Carmit Archibald, BS ‘97, MD ‘01
  222. Carol Crotta BA '78
  223. Carol Duchow Gurin, BA '73
  224. Carol M. Ehrlich MD, P '19, P '19 MPH, Parent MD expected 2025, Parent MD expected 2025
  225. Carol Petschek B.A ‘72
  226. Carol Reis Whitehead, BA '72
  227. Carol Ward, School of Music ' 85
  228. Caroline Hand Romita, BA '95
  229. Caroline Messer, BA ‘00
  230. Carolyn cohen, parent 2012
  231. Carolyn D'Ambrosio, MD  Faculty
  232. Carolyn Ziegler, BA ‘71, Parent ‘01
  233. Carrie Paterson BA ‘94
  234. Cary A. Koplin, BS ‘66, Parent ‘99
  235. Cary Schmelzer, BA’89
  236. Caterina Zoubek, BA ‘18
  237. Catherine J. Ross, BA ‘71, Ph.D. ‘77, J.D. ‘87
  238. Catherine Sokil BA'79
  239. Cathy Lazere BA '74
  240. Charles Comiter BS ‘20
  241. Charles Gates, BA ‘70
  242. Charles Glick JD ‘82
  243. Charles J Siegman, Parent '85
  244. Christian Thwaites Parent '13
  245. Christina H. Bost Seaton BA 01
  246. Christine Park MD, BA '91
  247. Christine Traut Miller, BA '73
  248. Christopher M Goodman BS ‘81 MS ‘81
  249. Christopher Martin BA ‘90, MDiv ‘96
  250. Cindy Blum, Parent ‘88
  251. Claire Fabian, MD, P ‘16
  252. Claire Fung, BS '83
  253. Claire Shorenstein, Pierson ‘03 and School of Music ‘04
  254. Claire Wiley, BS ‘09
  255. Clark Troy, PhD, BA '88
  256. Claudio O. Toppelberg, MD. Parent ‘15, ‘19
  257. Clifford Felig, BA ‘82
  258. Clinton Grusd MBA ‘12 Parent ‘12
  259. Colette Sartor, BA ‘88
  260. Corey Salsberg, BA ‘97
  261. Cornelia Emerson, BA '71, PhD '80
  262. Craig Dushey, BA ‘97, YSM ‘04
  263. Craig Pollak, BA 93
  264. Cricky Schidlowsky, BA '11
  265. Curtis W. Bakal BA’72
  266. Cyd Oppenheimer, JD '04
  267. Cynthia Mann Haiken BA '87
  268. Cynthia Mun Yale BA ‘90
  269. Dahlia Lithwick, BA '90
  270. Dahlia Rudavsky BA ‘73
  271. Dale Troy, BA ‘80, JD ‘83
  272. Dalya Dickstein, BS ‘20
  273. Dan Berger BA ‘05
  274. Dan Gorodezky, BA ‘19
  275. Dan Guttman, JD '71
  276. Dan Kluger, BS ‘18
  277. Dan Kryzman MA '99
  278. Dan Nahum, BA '16
  279. Dan Neeman, MBA ‘11
  280. Dan Pullman BA ‘80, MBA ‘87
  281. Dan Rosman, BA '94
  282. Dana Cohen, Parent MBA 24
  283. Dana Neumann DO, Clinical Fellow ‘25
  284. Dana Peters, PhD, Faculty
  285. Dani Magner, MAM 19', SOM
  286. Dani Temares, BS ’17
  287. Daniel Alterbaum, JD/MBA ‘12
  288. Daniel B. Goodman, M.D., BA 1970.
  289. Daniel Barenholtz parent '27
  290. Daniel Dickstein, BS '16
  291. Daniel Etra BA ‘93
  292. Daniel Fridman, BA '20
  293. Daniel Grossman BA '80
  294. Daniel Jacoby BA ‘93, MD ‘00, Faculty
  295. Daniel Kohan BA ‘87
  296. Daniel Lender, P ‘23
  297. Daniel Pollack, BS ‘16
  298. Daniel Prober, Faculty
  299. Daniel Reich, TD ‘98 JD ‘02
  300. Daniel Reshef, MAM ‘19
  301. Daniel Rosenblatt BS ‘85
  302. Daniel Roth MD ‘94
  303. Daniel S. Hamermesh, PhD ‘68
  304. Daniel Segal, BA ‘68, Parent, ‘97, Parent, ‘01
  305. Daniel Shapiro BS ‘18
  306. Daniel Wiznia, BS '06
  307. Daniela Cohen, BS ‘03
  308. Daniella Berman, BA '07
  309. Daniella Cohen, BA '20
  310. Danielle Abada, JD ‘17, MBA ‘17
  311. Danielle Accettola, Parent’16
  312. Danielle Bella Ellison, BA ‘15
  313. Danya Perry JD ‘96
  314. Daphne Uviller, BA ‘93
  315. Dar Weiss, PhD, ARS
  316. Dara Kubovy-Weiss, Parent '25 and '26
  317. David A. Schwartz, MA '95, JD '95, M.Phil. '96
  318. David Andriole, BA ‘86
  319. David Astrachan BA ‘80 MD ‘84
  320. David B Meyer MD SM 93 MED 97
  321. David B. Geffen, BS '73
  322. David Bar-Shain, MD, BA '89
  323. David Bard, BA ‘94
  324. David Ellison: BA ‘80, Parent ‘10, Parent ‘15
  325. David Felig, BA ‘84
  326. David Frankel, Parent, '25
  327. David Frommer, BA ‘04
  328. David Gershkoff Slusky BR ‘06
  329. David H Guston AB 1987
  330. David J. Eisenman, MD 1992
  331. David Katz BA ‘88
  332. David Kellogg, BA ‘72, Parent ‘04, ‘07
  333. David Khalil, Clinical Resident
  334. David Kronrad, P ‘25
  335. David L Hoffman, BA '80
  336. David L. Kavon, MFS '75
  337. David Leffell, MD, BS ‘77, MS Hon ‘98, P ‘23, Faculty
  338. David Light, BS '11
  339. David Lilienfeld, BA ‘15
  340. David M. Cohan, BA ‘91
  341. David Michaels MA ‘14
  342. David Mirchin, BA '79
  343. David N Chernoff MD  BS 1977
  344. David Naidich BA'71
  345. David P. Gordon '77, Parent '08 and '14
  346. David Radzynski MA 2012
  347. David Rosenberg, BA ‘00
  348. David Rubin, BA '96
  349. David S. Goldstein, BA ‘70
  350. David S. Rose, BA ‘79
  351. David Schlussel BA '80
  352. David Seifer MD, Faculty
  353. David Teten, BA '92.5
  354. David Waller BA ‘93
  355. David Weil BA '84, JD '89
  356. David Weisburd, MA '78, MPhil '80, PhD '85
  357. David Wolfsohn, Faculty
  358. David Yu, BS ‘00.  Founder of Andy Keidel Endowment Fund at Yale
  359. David Zagha, SM ‘08
  360. Davis S. Butner, MArch ‘19
  361. Dawn Feliciano JE ‘96
  362. Deana Linfield, Parent ‘11, ‘18 and ‘22
  363. Debbie Marcus BS ‘93
  364. Deborah Bernick, BA '72
  365. Deborah Gross (Parent  2020)
  366. Deborah Herzog, BA ‘98
  367. Deborah Hirschhorn Vogelstein BA  ‘82
  368. Deborah Jotkowitz MD '93
  369. Deborah Kaback BA1971
  370. Deborah M. Rosenthal JD ‘81
  371. Deborah Miller, BA ‘88
  372. Deborah Rose, BA '72, MPH '77, PhD '89, Parent '17
  373. Deborah Rothman Sherman, BA’89
  374. Deborah Rothman, JE '71
  375. Deborah Rukin Gold, P ‘22
  376. Deborah Weiss, P '11
  377. Debra Colodner BS ‘85
  378. Debra Fine, BA ‘81
  379. Debra Klein BA ‘94
  380. Deena Berkowitz, MD '00, MPH '00
  381. Deena Rachel Cohen Zimmerman BA '84
  382. Dena Glasgow, BA '91
  383. Deneen Howell, BA ‘93
  384. Dennis T. Jaffe, BA 67, MA 70, PhD 1974
  385. Devra Weiss, BS '93
  386. Devra Wolfe Lehmann BA 1986
  387. Diana Cohen, JD ‘09
  388. Diana File, BA ‘06
  389. Diana Fisher Gomberg BA’91
  390. Diana Halikias, BA '20
  391. Diana Loukedis Doherty, BA ‘95
  392. Diana Lupo, MM '92
  393. Dina Gerber Huebner J.D. ‘91
  394. Dina Halpern Kornblau, BA '87
  395. Dina Rinder, P '26
  396. Dmitri Novgorodsky  DMA ‘03, MMA ‘99,  MM ‘94
  397. Dominik Rennert, LLM 15
  398. Donald L. Edelstein, BA '57
  399. Donald Segal BS ‘60
  400. Doniel Perl, SOM ‘11
  401. Donna Isaacs Dalnekoff, MPhil '67, PhD '69
  402. Donna L. Brown, BA '73, MPH '75
  403. Donna Richman, BA'80, MD'88, Parent'15, Parent'25
  404. Doreen S. Gluckin, BS ‘71
  405. Doris Zelinsky, B.A. ‘71
  406. Dorit Granot, postdoctoral associate
  407. Dorothea Deininger, Parent '18
  408. Dorothy Tydings. Parent ‘03
  409. Dorothy Whelan BS '81
  410. Doug Koltenuk BS ‘93
  411. Douglas W. Pinsky, BS ‘85
  412. Dov Horowitz, SOM '14
  413. Dov Pinker, Parent '25
  414. Dr Cindy Schwarz, PhD ‘85
  415. Dr. Ann Olivarius KC (Hon) OBE, BA '77; SOM  '86; JD '86
  416. Dr. Burton Wisotsky, BS ‘86
  417. Dr. Detlef Maennig, MSc. '82
  418. Dr. Joshua Krug BA '08
  419. Dr. Larry Schooler, BA (BK) '00
  420. Dr. Lisa Wisotsky, BS 1986
  421. Dr. Robert Litan, JD/M.Phil '77, PhD '87
  422. Drew Lieberman, BA '82
  423. Drew Tomback, BA ‘20
  424. Ed Gelernt, BS ‘20
  425. Ed Grossman, JD ‘75
  426. Eden Mendelsohn, BA ‘21
  427. Edward Cantor BA '61
  428. Edward Delman, BA '12
  429. Edward H Kaplan, Faculty
  430. Edward Meisarosh, BS '95
  431. Edward S. West, BA ‘79
  432. Edwin E. Smith BA '68
  433. Ehud Guttel, LL.M '99, JSD '02
  434. Eileen Austin, Parent, ‘02
  435. Eileen Debbi, MD, Parent `08
  436. Elad Hertshten, MBA ‘16
  437. Elaine Fox, BA ‘72
  438. Elaine Panagakos, BA '84
  439. Elaine Rivman Schwimmer BA '71
  440. Elana Beckerman BA ‘96
  441. Elana Den, BA ‘03
  442. Elana Gordis, BA '92
  443. Elana Ponet Parent ‘97
  444. Elena Ratner, MD, MBA, Yale Faculty; SOM ‘21
  445. Eli Greenbaum, JD '02
  446. Elias Sasson, MD parent BA 2000. BA 2001, MD 2005
  447. Eliaz Brumer, MD 13, Fellow 23, Resident.
  448. Elina Nalibotski, BS '09
  449. Elisa Korentayer, PC ‘96
  450. Elisa Rosman, BA '94
  451. Elisha Waldman BA ‘94
  452. Elisheva Rothstein Parent '24
  453. Elissa Podolsky, BA ‘01
  454. Elitza Mihaylova, LLM '15
  455. Elizabeth Bershad, BA ‘11
  456. Elizabeth Breit, BA '10
  457. Elizabeth Broomfield, BA08
  458. Elizabeth Chabner MD, MPH Y’89, P’20, 22, 23
  459. Elizabeth Dempsey BA '84
  460. Elizabeth Oliner, BA, 2000
  461. Elizabeth Parisot, faculty
  462. Elizabeth Simonds Thompson BA ‘89
  463. Elizabeth Waksman JD’92
  464. Ellen Friedenberg, BA '78
  465. Ellen Harris, BA 1971, MBA 1986
  466. Ellen Hochberg BA '97
  467. Ellen Kornmehl, BS '84, MD '88
  468. Elyssa Pellish , TD ‘95
  469. Emily Scharfman, BA '05
  470. Emily Shire, Law School ‘20
  471. Emily Woodring, BA ‘11, JD ‘16
  472. Eric B. Fisher BA ‘92
  473. Eric Bader, MD. Faculty, Yale SOM
  474. Eric Flisser, MD, ‘95
  475. Eric Halpern, BS ‘95, P ‘19
  476. Eric Hertz BA '71
  477. Eric Jankelovits, M.D., MD ‘87
  478. Eric Lederman, BS ‘88
  479. Eric M. Brooks BA ‘84
  480. Eric McClellan, MBA ‘23
  481. Eric Polokoff, STM '03
  482. Eric Risch, BA ‘23
  483. Eric Rosin BA '89
  484. Eric Rubenstein, BA ‘04
  485. Eric S. Price, BA '85
  486. Eric Whitten BA '89
  487. Ernest W. Kornmehl, MD HS’88
  488. Eron Friedlaender, BA '93
  489. Esther Park, AD ‘12, MMA ‘13, DMA ‘17
  490. Esther Portyansky, BA ‘16
  491. Ethan Brown, SOM ‘11
  492. Ethan E. Kra, BA '69, MA '69, M Phil '73, PhD '74
  493. Ethan Schwartz, BA ‘84, JD ‘94
  494. Ettore Causa, Faculty
  495. Eugene Podkaminer, SOM '01
  496. Eugene Riesman BS ‘51
  497. Eva Fabian, BA ‘16
  498. Evan D Morris, Faculty
  499. Evan Ellman,  BA '71
  500. Evan Risch, BA '18
  501. Evelina Berman, GSAS'99
  502. Evelyn Lord BA ‘71
  503. Eytan M. Debbi, BA ‘08
  504. Ezra Husney, BA ‘17, JD ‘21
  505. Faith Stevelman, BA ‘82, M.Phil.(ABD)’85
  506. Farren Isaacs, PhD, Yale Faculty
  507. Felice Dickstein, Parent '90, Grandparent '16, '20, '23
  508. Filippo Ferrigni BA '72
  509. Firat Uenlue, SOM '21
  510. Frances W. Hamermesh, MAT '66
  511. Francine Geller Parent '23 and '28
  512. Francine Trester BA '91, MM '92, MMA '93, DMA '97, Faculty Yale School of Music '00-'02
  513. Frank D Aronson, BA 1969
  514. Frank Morelli, Faculty
  515. Frank Tamarkin, Medical Resident '07
  516. Fred Blum, Parent '89
  517. Fred Gants, BA ‘72
  518. Frederic Kaufmann, BA ‘85
  519. G Mikael Dolsten MD PhD Professor, Parent ‘20
  520. Gabriel Dolsten, BS '20
  521. Gabriel Motzkin, MA '73
  522. Gabriel Schneider, BA ‘97
  523. Gabriela Beroukhim, Clinical Resident ‘23
  524. Gabriela Goldschmidt, M.Arch '71
  525. Gal Zauberman. Faculty Yale SOM
  526. Gale Levin, MD Faculty ('89-'91)
  527. Galit Benasher-Yona BA ‘93
  528. Gary Chesnin, BA ‘73
  529. Gary Drucker, ART '74
  530. Gary Dubin, Parent '25
  531. Gary Eisenberg BA ‘86
  532. Gary L Kaplan, BA ‘80
  533. Gary Mendelsohn, BA '91
  534. Gary Soffer MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine
  535. Gary V. Gordon, MD '73, Parent '95, Parent '12, Parent '21
  536. Geoffrey Chaiken, BA ‘07
  537. Geofrey Wyatt, BA '83
  538. George Caulkins, BA ‘87
  539. George E. S. Reynolds BA ‘68
  540. George Ostrow, BA ‘82
  541. Gerald Garcia BA '94 MBA '01
  542. Gerald M. Brody MD ‘77, Parent ‘10
  543. Gerald Sack BA 1974
  544. Gideon Etra BA ‘95
  545. Gilad Almogy, Parent ‘24 and ‘26
  546. Gita Siegman, Parent '85
  547. Gittel Kuniansky BA 1990
  548. Gordon Sands, MA '82
  549. Gracia Vargas, BA ‘15
  550. Graeme Mason, Ph D. '91, Faculty
  551. Graham Anderson, BA ‘87 JD ‘91
  552. Grant Silow, MBA ‘19
  553. Greg Desmarais, JE '93
  554. Gregg Maisel BA 1986
  555. Gregory Colodner BS ‘90
  556. Gregory S. Chernack, Law ‘98
  557. Gregory Solomon, BS ‘86
  558. Griffin Smilow, BA ‘18
  559. Gunther A. Weiss LLM ´99
  560. H Michael Feldman BA ‘91
  561. H. Friedman, Parent ’ 25
  562. H. Neil Berkson BA '68
  563. Hagai Diamandi, Postdoctoral Associate
  564. Haim Haviv, SOM ‘19
  565. Hal Blumenfeld, Faculty
  566. Hank Powell, BA'71
  567. Hannah Davidson (Namir) BA 1985 (Morse)
  568. Hannah Ebin Hamermesh BA ‘95
  569. Harold Chesnin, BA '68
  570. Harold Leibowitz, Parent,  '86
  571. Harris Oliner BA ‘94
  572. Harry Etra, BA ‘09
  573. Harry Jho, JD '99
  574. Harry Levitt BA '71
  575. Harvey Kliman MD PhD, Faculty
  576. Harvey Mamon BS '83
  577. Harvey N. Bock, BA ‘72, JD ‘75
  578. Harvey Risch, Faculty, Parent '18, Parent '23
  579. Heather [Farkas] Green, BA ‘02
  580. Héctor Sánchez-Fernández, DMA '04
  581. Heidi Carter Pearlson SOM ‘96
  582. Heidi Pearlson SOM'96
  583. Helaine Greenfeld, BA '85, Parent '21
  584. Helene Landesberg, Parent ‘24
  585. Heni Schwartz, widow of former MD faculty
  586. Henri Moezinia, Parent ‘09
  587. Henry Abramovitch, BA ‘71, MA ’73, PhD ’77
  588. Henry Iseman, BA ‘18
  589. Henry Kramer, AD ‘13, DMA ‘19
  590. Henry Park, BS ‘07, MD ‘12
  591. Henry S Cabin, MD’75, Faculty
  592. Hershel Safer, BA '81
  593. Hillel Sommer, LLM '89, JSD '94
  594. Hody Nemes, BA '13
  595. Holley Russell Del Giudice, BA ´72
  596. Holly Sando Rieck, BA '95
  597. Hope Plavin, Parent '12
  598. Hope Zimmerman, Parent ‘25
  599. Howard Horowitz, BA '89
  600. Idit Klein, BA '94
  601. Igal Aciman, BA'07
  602. Ilan Mann, MAM ‘15
  603. Ilana Belmaker, parent of Yale Post-doc 2012c
  604. Ilana Pergam, BA '90
  605. Ilya Poletaev, M.Mus ‘03, D.Mus ‘10, Faculty ‘04-‘10
  606. Ina Cholst, Yale Medical School, ObGyn Residency 1977-1981
  607. Ina Silverman BA ‘80
  608. Inbar Blum, SOM '18
  609. Ingrid Kovitch, BSc '89
  610. Ira Kalfus, Parent ‘24
  611. Ira Miller, BS '86
  612. Ira Siegel  P15, P23,
  613. Ira Wolff, BA '75
  614. Irene Basloe Saraf, BA '91, Parent '27
  615. Irene Finel-Honigman, M.Phil’71,Ph.D, 73
  616. Irene Moff, Parent ‘27
  617. Irina Esterlis, PhD, faculty
  618. Iris Perry, MM 1994
  619. Irit Epelbaum ‘01
  620. Irvin Rosenthal, Parent ‘03
  621. Irving Treitel, GRD '66
  622. Irwin Nash BS’65, YSM Honorary Clinical Faculty
  623. Isaac Nesser, JD '03
  624. Issar Birger, LLM ‘12, JSD ‘15
  625. Itamar Kubovy, BA ‘88, Parent.
  626. Itzhak Gartenberg, BA ‘01, TC ‘01
  627. J. H. Chajes, PhD '99
  628. Jack Fabian, P ‘16
  629. Jackie Gutmann MD '85, HS '89
  630. Jackie Weiss, Parent 25, 26
  631. Jaclyn Reindorf Savolainen, BA ‘95, Parent ‘25
  632. Jacob Heitler, BA ‘00
  633. Jacob Victor, JD '14
  634. Jacqueline Cooperman, BA ‘95
  635. Jacqueline Goldberg, BA ’95
  636. Jacqueline Stern BA ‘01
  637. Jacques Capelluto Parent '04 & '08
  638. Jacqui Drak, PhD, 1991
  639. Jaime Gerber MD Yale Faculty SOM
  640. Jaja Liao, BA '16
  641. James B. Potash, BA '84, P '18
  642. James Busis, BA '78
  643. James C. Baker BA'79
  644. James F Carey, LLB ‘70
  645. James Goff, BA '73, Parent '12, '15
  646. James H. Goldie, BS '77
  647. James H. Rubenstein MD,  BA "77
  648. James Kerner, BS '88
  649. James M Jacobson, BA '83
  650. James Marrow, Parent ‘17, Faculty
  651. James Ponet, BA '68, Parent '97, Faculty Yale Divinity School, Former Faculty YLS, Howard Holtzmann Jewish Chaplain Emeritus
  652. James Shifren BA ‘88
  653. James Stark BA'67
  654. James Tarlow,BA ‘70
  655. James W. Conroy, B.A. 1970
  656. James Waltz, BA ‘94
  657. Jamie Stern BA 72; parent ‘08
  658. Jan C. Costello BA ‘72, MA ‘75, LAW ‘76
  659. Jan R. Kraehling, YSM ‘17
  660. Jan Radzynski, MM’79, MMA’80, DMA’84, P’ '95/'00, P’ '12
  661. Jan Roth, BA '72
  662. Jan Thorman, BA '72
  663. Jana Caras Gelernt, Parent’20
  664. Jane Sachs BA ‘73
  665. Janet Hudson Bulow Ammerman, BA ‘76
  666. Janet Kitzes Priset Sandino. B A. '71
  667. Janet Latner, BA '96
  668. Janet Lever PhD'74
  669. Janet Shapiro, BS ‘81
  670. Janice Kaplan, BA '76
  671. Janis Fox, Residency, 1984-1988
  672. Jason Eis BA ‘95
  673. Jason Fisherman, BA '78
  674. Jason Glasgow, BS '90
  675. Jason Horowitz, MBA ‘99
  676. Jason Rappoport MPhil '07
  677. Jason Tepperman, BS '97
  678. Javier Lapeira, BS ‘07
  679. Jay Selman, MD, P '02
  680. Jay Sokolow BS 78
  681. Jean S. Brenner, BA ‘71
  682. Jeanne Devine, BA '72, M.Div. '76
  683. Jeanne E. Coffin, BA '73
  684. Jedidiah Siev, BA ‘01
  685. Jeff Ditman, BA ‘02
  686. Jeff Epstein, BA '77
  687. Jeff Knishkowy, BA ‘80
  688. Jeff Lawrence BS '73
  689. Jeff Tochner, BA ‘89
  690. Jeffrey Agron, P '16, P '19
  691. Jeffrey Bercow BA ‘75, Parent ‘11
  692. Jeffrey D. Karpf, Yale BA ‘89
  693. Jeffrey Goldstein Ph.D. '83
  694. Jeffrey Hartleroad BA ‘92
  695. Jeffrey Lambeth Claburn, BA '94
  696. Jeffrey M. Stern, BA '70, Parent '02
  697. Jeffrey Marcus, BS '68
  698. Jeffrey P. Schwartz, BS '80
  699. Jeffrey R Gruen, MD, Faculty
  700. Jeffrey S. Froikin-Gordon, BA '02
  701. Jeffrey S. Kaplan, MD BA’ 85
  702. Jeffrey Weinreb, School of Medicine:Faculty
  703. Jeffrey Weinstock, BA, 1982
  704. Jeffry Gordon, BA ‘86
  705. Jennifer Bernell, BA ‘03
  706. Jennifer Cohen, BA '04
  707. Jennifer Cohen, BA ‘94
  708. Jennifer Eve Gu, BA ‘92
  709. Jennifer Karetsky Andres BA ‘92
  710. Jennifer Klatsky BA '78
  711. Jennifer L. Warner JD '89
  712. Jennifer Lew BA '87
  713. Jennifer Saracino, BA '02
  714. Jennifer Sarah Bolton, BA ‘08
  715. Jennifer Tolbert Roberts BA '71, PhD '76
  716. Jennifer Weis Monsky, BA 1981, MA 1984
  717. Jenny Edwards Ber MFA '91
  718. Jerald Slowik BA ‘94
  719. Jeremy Feit, LAW '00
  720. Jeremy Garelick BA 98 Jewish Running Back
  721. Jeremy Goldstein, BA ‘14
  722. Jeremy Goldwasser BS '21
  723. Jeremy Katz, ES ‘91
  724. Jeremy Nadelmann MD, Faculty
  725. Jeremy Perkins, MBA ‘22
  726. Jeremy Rabson, SM ‘93
  727. Jeremy Samuel SOM '00
  728. Jerome Yankowitz, BS '80
  729. Jerry Eyster, BA '72
  730. Jesse Friedlander, BA '93
  731. Jesse M. Cedarbaum MD '73; Instructor, Neurology, Yale Medical School
  732. Jessica Bod, MD ‘12, Faculty
  733. Jessica Leventhal, BR '03
  734. Jessica Liebowtiz, BA’87, Parent ‘26
  735. Jessica Rubin, BS ‘09
  736. Jessie Zaud, Parent '26
  737. Jillian Merns, BA ‘05
  738. Jim Fiffer BA ‘75
  739. Jim Halpert, BA 1985
  740. Jo Ilfeld, BS ' 96
  741. Joan Abrahamson, BA '73
  742. Joan E. Ausubel, BA '73
  743. Joan Hartman, JD ‘83
  744. Joan Yanish McCabe BA’77
  745. Joanna Rogers, BA '03
  746. Joanne Lessner, BA '87, Parent '18
  747. Jodi S. Dashe, MD '92
  748. Jody  Truwit , BA '92
  749. Jody A. Levine MD’00
  750. Joe Edelheit Ross, BA ’93
  751. Joe Goldiamond MPPM '91
  752. Joe Lieberman, Yale Law School, JD '67
  753. Joel Ephross, BA ‘82
  754. Joel Gelernter, BS '79, Faculty
  755. Joel P Brooks, MPH 19, Allergy/Immunology Fellow '19
  756. Joel Pomerantz, BR '01
  757. Joel Prager JD ‘ 89
  758. Joel Seton, MES '87
  759. Joel Tauber, BA '95
  760. Joey Adler, BA ‘18
  761. Joey Parnes, BA ‘77, Parent ‘11, ‘14, ‘22
  762. Joh R Tiffany, BA '78
  763. Johanna Granoff Cohen, BA '94
  764. John B. Clutterbuck JD ’88
  765. John Braverman BA ‘79
  766. John Breit BA ‘74
  767. John Dempsey BA ‘85
  768. John Doernberg, BA '75, Parent '19/'20, '25 and '25
  769. John J. Pinto, BS ‘87
  770. John M Manoyan, PhD '87
  771. John R. Bolton, BA ‘70, JD ‘74, Parent ‘08
  772. John Schochet JE '01
  773. Jon Landy JD ‘98
  774. Jon Weinbach [BA, '98]
  775. Jonas Heymann, PC '02
  776. Jonathan Akers, Parent ‘24
  777. Jonathan Belmaker, Post-Doc '12
  778. Jonathan Bender, BA ‘88
  779. Jonathan Berman, BA  Class 1981
  780. Jonathan Brier MD. Faculty
  781. Jonathan Criss, BS ‘01
  782. Jonathan D. Sarna  Ph.D. 1979
  783. Jonathan Diamond BA ‘85, Parent ‘24
  784. Jonathan Ehrlich BA '85
  785. Jonathan Gleklen BA ‘88
  786. Jonathan Greenberg BA ‘90
  787. Jonathan Hertz,MD, BA ‘74
  788. Jonathan I. Ezor, JD '92
  789. Jonathan Lask, BA ‘08
  790. Jonathan Leader BA’64
  791. Jonathan Leffell BA 1972
  792. Jonathan Marx, BA '17
  793. Jonathan Ming-Yan Fisher, BS '13 (Morse College)
  794. Jonathan Perlman BA 1986
  795. Jonathan Rosen BA ‘85
  796. Jonathan Rosenblum, JD '77
  797. Jonathan Siegel, SOM Executive Education ‘23
  798. Jonathan Stern, BA ‘00
  799. Jonathan Sweedler, BS '87
  800. Jonathan Tobkes, BA ‘98
  801. Jonathan Weisberg, MPPM '93
  802. Jonathan Winograd, P '25
  803. Jonathan Zeitlin, BA '87
  804. Jordan Hirsch, JD '16
  805. Jordan Lurie BA’84
  806. Jose A. Giron MD FACP , BS 1970
  807. Joseph Cohen, BA ‘02
  808. Joseph Marek, BA '88
  809. Joseph Patt BS/MS ‘95
  810. Joseph Rosner, BA '96
  811. Josephine Mogelof, BA ‘95
  812. Josh Dodes, BA '95
  813. Josh Ehrlich, MC '07
  814. Josh Feigelson, BA 98
  815. Josh Friedman, BA 2001
  816. Josh Galper BA '94 LAW '99
  817. Josh Ruxin, BA '92
  818. Josh Satok, BA '13
  819. Joshua A. Katz, BA, 1989
  820. Joshua A. Naftalis, BA ‘99
  821. Joshua Baraban, BS ‘06, MS ‘06
  822. Joshua Cahan, BA '96
  823. Joshua Chadajo, SOM ‘01
  824. Joshua D. Auerbach, MD, BS ‘98
  825. Joshua Davidson, BA ‘81
  826. Joshua Egan, BA ‘08
  827. Joshua Fitt, BA ‘17
  828. Joshua Meyer, BA ‘96
  829. Joshua Schor, BS ‘80, MD ‘84
  830. Joshua Shelov BA ‘93
  831. Judah Ellison, BA '21
  832. Judd Trichter BA 1996 TD
  833. Judith Cole, MS, '83
  834. Judith Deedy BA ‘92
  835. Judith G. Federbush BA'89
  836. Judith Leventhal Parent '92, '03
  837. Judith Liebmann, MA ‘65,PhD ‘70, Parent’90, Parent ‘95.
  838. Judith Seidel, BA '81
  839. Judy Gallent BA ‘85 , Parent ‘20 & ‘23
  840. Judy Pillinger, BA '81, Parent '21
  841. Julia (Blum) Berger, BA ‘88
  842. Julia Glade Bender, BS ‘88 (BR)
  843. Julia H. Rothchild, BA ‘16
  844. Julia Spiegel, JD '13
  845. Julie Cantor-Weinberg, BA ‘89
  846. Julie Forman-Kay, PhD 1990
  847. Julie Kitzes Herr, MA 1969
  848. Julie Litman, BK '89
  849. Julie Newman BS '89
  850. Julie R. Klein, BA ‘87
  851. Julie Turaj, BA ‘93, Parent ‘24 and ‘26
  852. June Kim Luo, BA ‘94
  853. Justin Greisberg, BS '91
  854. Kanti Ford BS’93
  855. Kara Bernstein, PhD ‘06
  856. Karen Capelluto, Parent ‘04, ‘08
  857. Karen Gluck, BS ‘03
  858. Karen Harkavy Toker, MD’67, Parent ‘91
  859. Karen Kapel Astrachan, BA ‘81
  860. Karen Mitchell, MBA ‘87
  861. Karen Roth Ezra BA ‘85
  862. Karen Sherman, BA '88
  863. Karen Sun, BA '89
  864. Karen Zoller, BS ‘73
  865. Karen Zur, TD’94
  866. Karl Amadeus Notturno, BA '17
  867. Kassandra Semenov-Leiva, MArch ‘19, Faculty
  868. Kate B. Herman, BA '86
  869. Kate Howell Klitenic BA ‘92, Parent ‘24
  870. Katharine R. Lewis, BA'71, Parent '09
  871. Katherine Hazelwood BA ‘86
  872. Katherine McDaniel, BS ‘14
  873. Katherine Prime, BA '04
  874. Kathy Graff, BA '87
  875. Katia Brener Raab, BA ‘95, Parent ‘26
  876. Katja Goldflam, MD, Faculty
  877. Keith M. Gilbert, BA '84
  878. Ken Stern JD ‘88
  879. Kenneth Cohen '68
  880. Kenneth Freed, BA ‘83, School of Music ‘87
  881. Kevin Boyle, BA ‘91
  882. Kevin Feinblum, BA '93
  883. Kevin Lewis, BA '83
  884. Kfir Alon, MBA '21
  885. Kim Hoelting BA, 1988
  886. Kim Targoff, MD ‘98
  887. Kim Treiger-Bar-Am, BA 1985, JD 1989
  888. Kirby Heller, BA ‘72
  889. Kirsten Harrington BA '15
  890. Koby Sadan, BA ‘06
  891. Kyle Metzler, BA ‘02
  892. Kyle-Beth Hilfer Yale BA 84
  893. Larissa Chiulli, MD ‘11
  894. Larry Geller Parent '23 and '28
  895. Laura Cohen, Parent ‘20
  896. Laura Hodes BA ‘96
  897. Laura Karmatz, BA ‘96
  898. Laura Kogelman, BS '93
  899. Laura Richman, BA '77 and Parent '12
  900. Laurel Mayer, BA ‘89
  901. Lauren Glazer, BA '94
  902. Lauren Nathan, JD '20
  903. Lauren Pechter, Parent ‘25
  904. Lauren Scholz, BA '09
  905. Lauren Schwartz, BA '97
  906. Laurence (Yitzchok) Feldman BA '85
  907. Laurence C Leeds Jr., BA '50, P '79 and '87, Grandparent '21 and '24
  908. Laurence Silverman, JD '77
  909. Laurie Baumel PhD '88
  910. Laurie Newman Fishman BA '84
  911. Laurie Sachs Travers, BA '71
  912. Laurie Stein, P '25
  913. Lawrence Burian  JD ‘94
  914. Lawrence S Cohen, MD .Professor Emeritus (Hon. MA. '70)
  915. Lawrence Tydings Parent ‘03
  916. Lea Winter, BS ‘15, Faculty
  917. Leah Greenwald, BA 1972
  918. Leah Sarna BA'14
  919. Lee Danilek, BS&MS '18
  920. Lee E. Rubin, M.D., Faculty
  921. Lee Kaplan, BA '81
  922. Lee M Jampol, BA '65, MD '69
  923. Lena Goldstein, BA ‘23
  924. Lenn Schramm, BA '71
  925. Leon Ebani, BA ‘17
  926. Leonard Bell, MD ‘84
  927. Leonard Greenberg BA '48, Parent '88, Parent '90
  928. Leonard J Landesberg BS ‘90, MD ‘94
  929. Leonard Picker, BA 1986
  930. Leslie Lopato YC BA '72
  931. Lester M. Shulman, BS '68
  932. Lewis E Kay,PhD 88
  933. Lianne Langsner parent '24
  934. Liliana Agron, Parent ‘16, ‘19
  935. Lillian Bitner, BS ‘17
  936. Limor (Robinson) Mann, BA ‘02, JD ‘05
  937. Linda Bernell, Parent ‘03
  938. Linda Broyde Haramati, Faculty
  939. Linda Chin, BA '81
  940. Linda Frank Rodman BA '73, MA'75
  941. Linda Penfield Danilek, BA ‘81, Parent ‘18
  942. Linda Weiner, parent ‘08
  943. Lindsay Garritson AD ‘11
  944. Lior Croll, MBA ‘17
  945. Lisa (Friedman) Hershman, BA '99
  946. Lisa (Halbsgut) Sun, CC ‘07
  947. Lisa Alpert Rosen, JD '83
  948. Lisa Danetz, BS ‘92
  949. Lisa Diamond, BA ‘81
  950. Lisa Donovan, BA ‘90, Parent ‘24
  951. Lisa E. Stone, BA '78, MPH '82, P '12
  952. Lisa Eisen BA ‘85
  953. Lisa Golden, Parent ‘17
  954. Lisa Halpern, MSN ‘98, P ‘19
  955. Lisa Has Miller, BA ‘88
  956. Lisa Kotler, MD ‘93
  957. Lisa Markkula, BA '83
  958. Lloyd Baskin BA ‘94
  959. Lois R. Fishman, BA '72
  960. Lori Marcus Post, Parent ‘22 and ‘25
  961. Louis Dickstein, Ph.D. '66, Parent '90
  962. Louis Rowen, Ph.D. '73
  963. Lucy McWhorter-Rosen, BA’11
  964. Lydia Buonomano, BS ‘20
  965. Lydia Temoshok, BA '72
  966. Lynda E. Rosenfeld, Faculty
  967. Lynn Rosenstrach Zerbib, BA ‘91, P ‘24
  968. Lynne Goldstein, parent ‘24
  969. Lynne Rutkin, BA '72
  970. Lyron L. Bentovim SOM 97
  971. M. Sternlicht, BA '25
  972. Madeleine Carey Sampson TC ‘92
  973. Maggie Rogow, BA '72, Parent '10
  974. Maia Szafer, SOM ‘14
  975. Malaika Amon BA ‘90
  976. Manouchehr Shamsrizi, former Global Justice Fellow (2010)
  977. Manuel Litchman MD '86
  978. Mara Baraban, PhD 2010
  979. Marc Bielas, BA ‘18
  980. Marc Karetsky Parent ‘14
  981. Marc Pomerantz Parent '01
  982. Marc Reiner BA '92
  983. Marc Wiznia, BS '04
  984. Marc Zvi Brettler, Faculty in Religious Studies, 1984-1986
  985. Marcelo Messer, BA ‘97
  986. Marcia Eckerd BA ‘71
  987. Marcia Schor, Parent ‘24
  988. Marcy Kronrad  Parent '25
  989. Mardi Gomberg-Maitland,,MD MSc, BA ‘92
  990. Margalit Feuer,  BS '20
  991. Margaret Berger, BA '90
  992. Margaret Thomas Trinity, BA ‘84
  993. Margaret Waldman, BA '71
  994. Marguerite S. Neuhaus, PhD '87
  995. Marian Michaels BA 1980
  996. Marie Jureit-Beamish, DMA '85
  997. Marilee Albert BA ‘97
  998. Marion Handler, BA ‘95
  999. Marjorie and Marvin Den parents of Robert Den  BS ‘01 & Elana Den BA’03
  1000. Marjorie Goldner, Parent 2025
  1001. Marjorie Hertz, Parent ‘05
  1002. Mark A. Lorell BA '69
  1003. Mark B Shapiro, Parent ‘19
  1004. Mark Blitzer, MD, Faculty
  1005. Mark Block, BS 1983, MD 1987
  1006. Mark Gelernt BS ‘82, parent ‘12
  1007. Mark H Schoenfeld, MD, BS '75, Faculty
  1008. Mark H. Gelber, MA '74, MPhil '74, PhD '80
  1009. Mark Horney, BA ‘91
  1010. Mark L. Meyer MD ‘94, JD ‘98
  1011. Mark Meltz, BA ‘95
  1012. Mark O. McCabe, MD, BA 1988
  1013. Mark Plotkin, BA ‘83
  1014. Mark R Cullen MD '76
  1015. Mark S. Komrad M.D., BA'79
  1016. Mark Silverberg BA ‘90
  1017. Mark Stein BS ‘93
  1018. Mark Trachtenberg, JD ‘98
  1019. Marlyn Bloch Jaffe, BA '86
  1020. Marshall Huebner YLS ‘93
  1021. Marshall W. Jaffe, MBA ‘86
  1022. Martin Leib, Parent BA '97, JD ‘03, PhD '04
  1023. Mary Adamis, BA '84
  1024. Mary Carde, BA '72
  1025. Mary Kuhl Chitty BA '71
  1026. Mary Pearl, BA '72, MPhil '76, PhD '82
  1027. Maryellen Polvino-Bodnar, PhD '82
  1028. Mason Lender, BA ‘23
  1029. Matan Shamir, MA '13
  1030. Matt Oshinsky  BA ‘92
  1031. Matthew Buonomano, PC '90
  1032. Matthew Lieberman, BA '89, JD '94
  1033. Matthew S. Campbell, BA '07
  1034. Matthew Shapiro, MBA 10’
  1035. Matthew Siegelbaum, BA '76
  1036. Matthew Sloan, BA '87
  1037. Matthew Stiebel TC’98 Med ‘03
  1038. Matthew Warren, BA'93
  1039. Max Karpel, BA ‘96
  1040. Maxine A. Lieberman, MFA '71
  1041. Maxwell Kushner-Lenhoff BS/MS ‘12
  1042. Maye Head Frei, BA ‘92
  1043. Maylen Dominguez ‘95 Parent ‘25
  1044. MD Catarina R Dolsten, Parent ‘20
  1045. Meir Dashevsky, EM residency ‘15, faculty
  1046. Meirav Sela, Research Associate II
  1047. Meital Peleg Mizrachi, post doc fellow j1
  1048. Melanie Zrihen, Parent ‘24
  1049. Melinda Agron, MArch ‘19, MBA ‘19, Instructor
  1050. Melissa Cifu, Parent ‘24
  1051. Melissa DePetris Colton MC ‘01
  1052. Melissa L. Martin CC '95
  1053. Melissa Moskof Dorfman, BA '95
  1054. Melissa Turner BA ‘87
  1055. Melissa Werthan, BA ‘82
  1056. Melissa Wolff, BA ‘93
  1057. Melvyn R. Leventhal, parent '03 & 1992
  1058. Meredith Gordon Naftalis JD ‘99
  1059. Merle Waxman Parent ‘94, 98
  1060. Merrill Mason, BA ‘71
  1061. Meryl Greenwald Gordon BA '78, Parent '08 and '14
  1062. Meyer Cohen parent ‘20
  1063. Micah Odenheimer, BA 80
  1064. Michael A. Re ell, JD'70
  1065. Michael Bender BA ‘96
  1066. Michael Berman, BA '88
  1067. Michael Bretholz, JD '06
  1068. Michael Buckstein BA ‘99
  1069. Michael Carrier, BA '91
  1070. Michael Cleman, MD, Yale School of Medicine, faculty
  1071. Michael Cohen, Parent ‘24
  1072. Michael E. Libonati LL.B. 1967;LLM 1969
  1073. Michael Ellis, BA ‘01
  1074. Michael Friedman BA ‘99
  1075. Michael Gerber,  MD '74
  1076. Michael H Nathanson, faculty
  1077. Michael H. Dardzinski, JD '99
  1078. Michael H. Kline, BA ‘71
  1079. Michael Hecht, BA '92
  1080. Michael I. Krauss, LLM ‘78
  1081. Michael Keren, PhD 68
  1082. Michael Klein SOM ‘23
  1083. Michael Kress, BA ‘95
  1084. Michael Leit, BA, MS ‘85, MS ‘89, MD ‘90
  1085. Michael Lerner, MD, Faculty
  1086. Michael Lewittes, BA '89
  1087. Michael Maitland BS’93
  1088. Michael Marco, BA ‘06
  1089. Michael Nathanson, MPPM '90
  1090. Michael Oren, former Faculty
  1091. Michael Pearce, BA '09
  1092. Michael Podzuweit, BA '03
  1093. Michael Romanelli BA'95
  1094. Michael Rothschild, BS '84, MD '88
  1095. Michael S. Partem, MA '81
  1096. Michael Sweedler BE ’57
  1097. Michael Tein, BA '88, Parent '25
  1098. Michael Weinberger, BA '88, Parent '23.5
  1099. Michael Whitman, Former Faculty
  1100. Michal (Radzynski) Goldberg, BS '95, MD '00
  1101. Michele Barry, MD, Faculty 1981-2009. Parent '04
  1102. Michele Roberts, MD PhD; Yale BA '76, PhD '83
  1103. Michelle Baden Foss BA ‘97
  1104. Michelle Gottlieb, MEM '95
  1105. Michelle Kanter Cohen, BA ´03
  1106. Michelle Messer, BA ‘02, JD ‘07
  1107. Michelle Roufa, BA '91
  1108. Micole Tuchman, BA ‘01
  1109. Mike Cheng-Yu Lee, MM '03
  1110. Mike Ehrenberg BA '79 Parent '15 Parent '25
  1111. Mike Offner, BA ‘92
  1112. Mindy Herzfeld, Yale JD ‘95
  1113. Miri Kubovy, MA ‘76, Faculty ‘91, Parent ‘84-’88, Grandmother
  1114. Miriam Hartman Beazley, BA '80
  1115. Miriam Mills, BA 1971
  1116. Miriam Rosenbaum JD ‘17
  1117. Miriam Ross, BS '21
  1118. Miriam Widmann, BA ‘85, JD ‘89
  1119. Miryl Hilibrand, BA ‘20
  1120. Misha Semenov-Leiva, M.Arch/MEM '19, Lecturer
  1121. Mitchell James Kaplan, BA '79
  1122. Mitchell Orenstein, MA ‘93, PhD ‘96
  1123. Mitchell Raab, BA ‘95, Parent ‘26
  1124. Mollie Johnson, BA ‘18
  1125. Molly Zeff, BA ‘07, SOM ‘16
  1126. Monica Jankelovits, Parent '25
  1127. Monica W. Cooper, PhD ‘83
  1128. Mori Amitai MBA 2018
  1129. Morris Ellison BA '79, P'17, P'22
  1130. Morris Mellion MD ‘70
  1131. Morris Werthan, BA'59
  1132. Morton Rinder, P '26
  1133. Nadav Tiomkin, MBA ‘22
  1134. Naftali Schindler, MD '09
  1135. Nancy Alderman, SOE 1997
  1136. Nancy Bregstein Gordon, BA '73, Parent '12, Parent '21, Parent '95
  1137. Nancy Buck, LLM 1987
  1138. Nancy Edwards, BA '88
  1139. Nancy Kaplan, BA '72
  1140. Nancy Kopman Rubenstein, BA 1985
  1141. Nancy Kuziemski, BA'71
  1142. Nancy Lanis, BA ‘78
  1143. Nancy Matisoff BA ‘71
  1144. Naomi DZ Weinberger (BK ‘88), Parent '23.5
  1145. Naomi Leib, Parent BA '97, JD ‘03, PhD '04
  1146. Naomi Weiss-Goldman, BA '11
  1147. Nataliya Bregel, MFA ‘91
  1148. Nathan Klau BA ‘94
  1149. Nathaniel Toppelberg, Yale College 2015
  1150. Nati Helfgot, Parent ‘25, Parent ‘27
  1151. Neal Goff, Parent '04, '07
  1152. Nechi Almogy, Parent ‘24 ‘26
  1153. Neil A. Busis, BA ‘73, Parent ‘06
  1154. Neil Gronowetter Y93
  1155. Neil Herbsman BA ‘85
  1156. Nick Zerbib, Parent 2024
  1157. Nicolas Adolph, SOM, '93
  1158. Nicole E. Gross, M.D.  BA ‘94
  1159. Nimrod Lavi, MD, Faculty
  1160. Nina  Pinto ‘88
  1161. Nina Mendelson JD '89
  1162. Nina Moadel Karpel MD BK ‘96
  1163. Nina Sassoon Assouline JD '10
  1164. Nina Sohnen, Parent LAW ‘25
  1165. Nir Navon, PhD, faculty
  1166. Nitzan Geva, Postdoctoral Associate
  1167. Noa Fleiss, MD, Faculty
  1168. Noa Katz, postdoc '23
  1169. Noah Amsel BA ‘20
  1170. Noah Cheses DIV '16
  1171. Noah Greenfield, JD ‘16
  1172. Noah Siegel, BA ‘15
  1173. Noam Tanner, PhD '15
  1174. Nora Bojar, JD ‘06
  1175. Norman A. Bloom M.D., Urology Resident 1965-1968
  1176. Norman Zamcheck BA '70
  1177. Norris Nissim,  BA ‘88
  1178. Noy Yerushalmi, MBA '23
  1179. Nurit Altura, BA '03
  1180. Nurit Sonnenschein, SM '87, BA '87
  1181. Olivia Mattis, BA '84
  1182. Ora Schwope Class of 1999
  1183. Oren Kanner, M.Sc '11, M.Phil. '13
  1184. Orit Kent, BA ‘93
  1185. Orrin Persky, BA ‘70
  1186. Pamela (Novak) Frumkin, BA '83
  1187. Pamela Barmash, BA '87
  1188. Patricia Akers, P ‘24
  1189. Patricia Huntington BA ‘72
  1190. Patricia Kopec Selman; parent BA 2002
  1191. Patricia Trester, Parent ‘91
  1192. Patty Ribakoff SOM ‘87
  1193. Paul and Christy Imhoff Parent 2025
  1194. Paul Broomfield, parent 2008
  1195. Paul E Stanzler. BA ‘73
  1196. Paul Foster, BA '87
  1197. Paul Levin, BA ‘05
  1198. Paul Rothstein, BA 1987
  1199. Paul Wimer, BS '85
  1200. Paula Marantz Cohen '75
  1201. Paula Radzynski, Parent BS’95 MD’00, Parent MM'12
  1202. Paulette Kamenecka BA 92’
  1203. Paulette Mendelsohn, Parent '18,'20,'21,'25 and '27
  1204. Pawel Mordel, MBA 2016
  1205. Pennina Safer, PhD ‘81
  1206. Peter AD. Rubin, MD '85
  1207. Peter Frankl, Faculty
  1208. Peter K. Werner BA ‘81
  1209. Peter Lee, BA, ‘02
  1210. Peter Lindy, BA ’85
  1211. Peter N. Wang  BA '70
  1212. Peter Vrettakos, SOM '11
  1213. Peter Zoubek, Parent '18
  1214. Phil Horton BA '77
  1215. Philip A Kantor Yale College 1975
  1216. Philip Cohen BA ‘91
  1217. Philip Sarrel MD. Faculty
  1218. Phillip LaMarr B.A. ‘88
  1219. Phillip Waldoks BA ‘73, P ‘01, P ‘04
  1220. Pnina Weiss, Faculty
  1221. Prof. Oren Gross, Parent ‘26
  1222. R. William Vogel, BS '85
  1223. Rabbi Daniel Sherman BA '93
  1224. Rabbi Mychal Springer, BA '87
  1225. Rabbi Stephen Wise Goodman, BA72
  1226. Rachel Abramowitz BA '87
  1227. Rachel Brenner, Parent '25 & '27
  1228. Rachel Fetner BA ‘96
  1229. Rachel Goldstein BA 1992 (JE)
  1230. Rachel Grynberg, Parent ‘26
  1231. Rachel J. Fremmer, BA '96
  1232. Rachel M. Barr, YSE ‘11
  1233. Rachel Mesch BA ‘93
  1234. Rachel Novick MFS '02 PhD '08
  1235. Rachel Pasternak BA ‘01
  1236. Rachel Sorokin Goff BS '76, Parent '12, '15
  1237. Rachel Turkin Stein, JD ‘96
  1238. Rafael Castro BA '02
  1239. Rafe Sasson SY ‘00
  1240. Randall Bock, BS '77
  1241. Randee Farfel Charney, BA '84
  1242. Randolph Perry,, BA ‘73
  1243. Randy Sheinberg, BA ‘81, MPPM ‘87
  1244. Rani Cohen, MBA '91
  1245. Ratko Jovic BA '07
  1246. Ravi Goel, BA ‘93
  1247. Rebecca Claire Brooks, JD '22
  1248. Rebecca Deutsch, BA ‘98, JD ‘02
  1249. Rebecca Friedman, BA ‘98
  1250. Rebecca H. Friedman, BA '03
  1251. Rebecca Hull BA ‘81
  1252. Rebecca Jonas, Faculty
  1253. Rebecca Lackman, PhD '06
  1254. Rebecca Linfield BA '11
  1255. Rebecca McKay Steinberg MESc ‘11
  1256. Rebecca Newman, Yale College '73
  1257. Rebecca Schlussel BS '13
  1258. Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, SM ‘98
  1259. Rebecca Silvera BA '01
  1260. Rebecca Steinberg Herson, PC '91
  1261. Rebecca Taibleson (BA '05, JD '10)
  1262. Reena Barnett TD'98
  1263. Rena R (Weiss) Karol, BA ‘79, MA ‘80
  1264. Rena Wolinetz Katz, BA ‘87
  1265. Renée Kamm Goff, Parent ‘04 & ‘07
  1266. Reshef Tal, MD PhD, Faculty
  1267. Reuben Jeffery III BA '75; Parent '11
  1268. Reut Zabag,  postdoctoral fellow
  1269. Reuven Rabinovici, MD, ex Faculty
  1270. Reyna Marder Gentin, BA ‘88, JD ‘91
  1271. Reynolds family ‘68 ( all 17 of us)
  1272. Rhonda Gold MD, Yale Health
  1273. Rhonda Singer, BA '72
  1274. Richard A Bronen, Faculty
  1275. Richard Adler BA '68
  1276. Richard Braemer, LLB ‘65
  1277. Richard C. Newman Parent ‘05
  1278. Richard D. Kaplan, BA '71
  1279. Richard Deitz YC'87
  1280. Richard F. Ziegler, BA '71; Parent '01
  1281. Richard Gerrig, BA '81
  1282. Richard Ross, BA 1984, JD 1989, PhD 1998
  1283. Richard S Pechter '67
  1284. Richard Sheerr, P ‘95
  1285. Richard Skolnik, BA '72
  1286. Rick Smilow , Parent ‘17, ‘18  
  1287. Rimma Shaposhnikov TD 97
  1288. Risa Kent, M.D., Faculty
  1289. Rishi Kundi BA ‘99
  1290. Rita Wisotsky, P '86
  1291. Roanne Mann, BA ‘72
  1292. Robert B Fiske Jr BA 1952
  1293. Robert B Teitelman, Yale College, BA 1981
  1294. Robert Den BS ‘01
  1295. Robert Eisen BA '83
  1296. Robert Friedman, SOM '89
  1297. Robert H Belmaker, Parent of Post-doc 2012
  1298. Robert Jampol BA '71
  1299. Robert Karetsky BA '89
  1300. Robert Leach, BA '94
  1301. Robert Paul Gallant, PhD '88
  1302. Robert Reiffel BA ‘68
  1303. Robert Reiter BS 1983
  1304. Robert Schonberger, BA 96, MD 06, MHS 15, Parent 26, Faculty
  1305. Roberto Polakiewicz, Parent ‘18
  1306. Roberto Woldenberg, Parent ‘27
  1307. Robin Hazelwood BA ‘92
  1308. Robin Perlmutter Goldenson MPH ‘88, MD ‘92
  1309. Roger Brown, BA ‘82
  1310. Roger F Widmann, BS ‘85, MD ‘89
  1311. Ron A. Birnbaum, BA '93
  1312. Ron Hertshten, MBA '08
  1313. Ron Lubash, SOM '86
  1314. Ron Taitz, BA ‘15
  1315. Rona Teitelman, BA ‘84
  1316. Ronald D Ennis, MD, YSM ‘90
  1317. Ronald Lehmann BA '84, JD '89
  1318. Ronit Kaufman PhD '19, Faculty
  1319. Ronnie F. Heyman, JD '72
  1320. Rosann Greenspan '71
  1321. Rosetta Cohen, BA ‘77
  1322. Roslyn B. Joffe, P '84
  1323. Ross Guberman, MA '94
  1324. Roy Niedermayer, BA '69
  1325. Rungthip Choensookasem, BA ‘01
  1326. Russell Lippman, BA ‘98
  1327. Ruth Bogatyrow Kraft JD ‘78
  1328. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, LL.M. '90, JSD '93
  1329. Ruth Jarmul, BA ‘71, Parent ‘03
  1330. Ruth Lansner BA ‘71
  1331. Ruth Reiner, BS ‘84
  1332. Sacha Litman BS ‘95
  1333. Sam Fleischacker, BA '82, PhD 89
  1334. Sam Hendel, BA ‘03
  1335. Sam Sussman, BA ‘16
  1336. Sam Yebri BA ‘03
  1337. Samantha (Fisherman) Schonfeld, BA '96
  1338. Samantha Grant, PC '96
  1339. Samuel Burton, BA '20
  1340. Samuel Grondahl, BA '12
  1341. Samuel Porat BA ‘97
  1342. Samuel Schwartz, BA '91
  1343. Sandor Joffe, BS '84
  1344. Sandra Cash , BA '83
  1345. Sandra Ebani, Parent '17
  1346. Sandra Mayerson BA '73
  1347. Sandra Mayo, Parent ‘2020
  1348. Sandra Mendell, BA '98
  1349. Sandy Katz, BA '81
  1350. Sara Averick, parent 2024
  1351. Sara Bamberger ‘95 parent ‘25
  1352. Sara Crispe, Parent '25
  1353. Sara Greenberg, BA ‘09
  1354. Sara M. Lord, BA '79
  1355. Sara Romano Toppelberg, Parent '15,'19
  1356. Sara Sapire, BA ‘94
  1357. Sara Schutzman, BS '81, MD '85
  1358. Sara Solow, BA '05, J.D. '11
  1359. Sarah Aroeste Blaugrund BA '98
  1360. Sarah Dine, MA, MPhil, 1977
  1361. Sarah H Shapiro, BA '84
  1362. Sarah Lieberman, BA ‘99
  1363. Sarah Nurieli, P'93
  1364. Sarah Ovadia, Parent ‘22
  1365. Sarah Perry, BA '90
  1366. Sarah Shapiro BA'72
  1367. Sarah Weiss, BA ‘05
  1368. Sari Radin Gazda BA '89
  1369. Sarice Silverberg, Parent ‘26
  1370. Sasha Grutman, BA '89
  1371. Sasson Darwish, SOM '94
  1372. Scott Austin BA ‘02
  1373. Scott B. Cantor, BA '81, P '12
  1374. Scott Bessent BA ‘84
  1375. Scott Fisher BA ‘95
  1376. Scott Freiman BS '84
  1377. Scott Newman. BA ‘77
  1378. Scott Rickert BS’96
  1379. Sean Jackowitz, BA ‘08
  1380. Seffi Kogen, SOM '23
  1381. Serena Levy, Parent 25
  1382. Seth Altman, BA '97
  1383. Seth Bonime SOM ‘01
  1384. Seymour Trester, Ph.D, Parent ‘91
  1385. Shannon Conneely, BA ‘16
  1386. Shara Israel, Parent ‘26
  1387. Shari Chernack, DC ‘96, SOM ‘04
  1388. Shari Goldman Gottlieb BA ‘03
  1389. Sharon Flatto Ph.D 2000
  1390. Sharon Forman, BA 1984
  1391. Sharon Katz Cooper MES '96
  1392. Sharon Katz, BA ‘98
  1393. Sharon Risch, Parent '18, Parent '23
  1394. Sharon Stoll DO, fellow ‘16, faculty  ‘23
  1395. Sharon Yeung Dressen, BS ‘93
  1396. Shawn Levy, Parent 25
  1397. Shelley Fisher Fishkin BA '71, Ph.D. '77
  1398. Shelli Farhadian, Faculty, School of Medicine
  1399. Sheon Karol, JD ‘82
  1400. Sherry Chase, Parent ‘17
  1401. Sherry Farzan TD’01
  1402. Shira Tydings Bressler, BA ‘03 (TD)
  1403. Shira Winter, BA '12
  1404. Shira Wolosky, Parent 2020, Former faculty
  1405. Shirley L Daniels BA ‘72
  1406. Shlomo Argamon, PhD ‘94
  1407. Shlomo Shulman, BA '89
  1408. Shoshana Gillers, JD ‘01
  1409. Shua Mermelstein, JD '20
  1410. Silvina Grad, parent '19
  1411. Silvio Susskind, PhD '87
  1412. Simeon Amon JD '72
  1413. Simon Brandler, BA '00
  1414. Simon Mendelsohn, BS '20
  1415. Sipoura Barzideh (JD, 2009)
  1416. Sloane Sevran, BA ‘95
  1417. Solomon Adams, BA ‘24
  1418. Stacey Berg Rosenzweig MD ‘92
  1419. Staci Leisman, BA ‘99
  1420. Stacy Schusterman, BA '85, Parent '20
  1421. Stefan Shrivastava, MBA ‘17
  1422. Stephanie Holman Thwaites, BA '89
  1423. Stephanie Limb BA ‘94
  1424. Stephen Benko, BA '76
  1425. Stephen Goldstein , parent ‘24
  1426. Stephen Kahn BA ‘87
  1427. Stephen Keppel, Parent ‘02
  1428. Stephen Milbank, BA ‘04
  1429. Stephen Moff, Parent ‘27
  1430. Steve Warner BA '80
  1431. Steven B. Ritz,  BS ‘84; parent ‘19
  1432. Steven Barkin, BS ‘88
  1433. Steven D Handler, MD, MBE.  Yale BA 1968
  1434. Steven Fleischman, MD, MBA, FACOG, Faculty
  1435. Steven Gilbert, BA '71
  1436. Steven Gordon'BA'72MC
  1437. Steven J. White, BS '81
  1438. Steven Kovacs, BA 1968
  1439. Steven M. Friedman Parent  ‘08
  1440. Steven Resnicoff, JD '78
  1441. Steven S. Jacoby, MD BS '75; Faculty
  1442. Steven Siger, BA '05
  1443. Steven Temares Parent ‘17
  1444. Steven Ugent, MD '91
  1445. Stewart Pomerantz, BA ‘79
  1446. Stuart Braverman BA ‘82
  1447. Stuart Katz, BS '79, SOM Faculty '01-'08
  1448. Suhlle Ahn, BA '87
  1449. Summer Banks, BA '08
  1450. Sun-A Park, AD ‘16, MMA ‘17
  1451. Susan  Weil, SOM '88
  1452. Susan Doctoroff Landay, BA ’86
  1453. Susan Freiman, Law '64
  1454. Susan Gregory, BA ‘88
  1455. Susan Israel, BLS ‘88
  1456. Susan K. Stern, Parent ‘02
  1457. Susan Marx, Parent 2017
  1458. Susan Richman MD MPH 2007
  1459. Susan Schaaf Wilson, BA '81
  1460. Susan Werner Berenson BA ‘86
  1461. Susan Yecies, BA '71
  1462. Suzanne Bober, BA ‘87
  1463. Suzanne Schimmel Cooper BA '86
  1464. Sylvia Mendelsohn Pomerantz  Parent '01
  1465. T.J. Gordon, B.A. '98
  1466. Tahl Tyson, BA ‘82
  1467. Tal Ben-Dashan Widdes MPH 1980
  1468. Tal Brudnoy Weinberger, BS ‘96
  1469. Tal Hofman, SOM '17
  1470. Tal Joseph, B.S '21
  1471. Tamar Geller BS '23
  1472. Tamar Mentzel BS ‘97
  1473. Tamar Sadeh, BA '85, Parent '15, Parent '18
  1474. Tania Haladner, BA ‘94
  1475. Ted Sperling, BA '83
  1476. Terry F Young, BA ‘73.
  1477. Terry S Kogan, JD ‘76
  1478. Thaddeus Diamond BS ‘12
  1479. Theodore A. Perry PHD 1966
  1480. Theodore Coonen BA ‘94
  1481. Theodore V. H. Mayer BA ‘74
  1482. Thierry Wasserman, PhD ´97
  1483. Thomas Fiffer BA '86
  1484. Thomas Gould, BA '20
  1485. Thomas M. Alpert, BA '76
  1486. Thomas Steinberg: BA '78
  1487. Tim Bernstein, BA Calhoun/Hopper '90
  1488. Tim Penna, BA '02, MBA '08
  1489. TJ Hyland BA’02
  1490. Tobias Moskowitz, Faculty
  1491. Todd Freter, BA '72
  1492. Todd Lippincott, BA, '04
  1493. Tom Ascheim BA '85, SOM ‘90, Parent ‘23
  1494. Tony Swil, BS '67
  1495. Tova Gardin, Yale Neurology resident ‘21, Yale Psychiatry resident ‘24
  1496. Tracey Frankel, Parent ‘25
  1497. Traci L Slatton, BA '84
  1498. Tricia Lobo, BS ‘10
  1499. Tyler Bensinger, BA '84
  1500. Tzvi Novick, BA '98, JD '02, PhD '08
  1501. Valerie Rabson Parent ‘93
  1502. Vanessa Block BS ‘10
  1503. Veda. Charrow, Ph.D. (Parent 2007)
  1504. Vicki A. Semo Scharfman, BA ‘73
  1505. Victoria Feder, BA '90, P' 19, P '27
  1506. Victoria M. Amon, BA '73
  1507. Victoria Ordin,  BA ‘95
  1508. Vince Ventimiglia BA 1984
  1509. Vincent Accettola, BS’16
  1510. Vivian Lurie, MA, MPhil, ABD ‘85
  1511. Vivian Reznik BA'71 Med'75
  1512. Vyacheslav Fridman, Parent '20
  1513. Weiyi Yang, DMA’04
  1514. Wendy Armon, Parent ‘25
  1515. Wendy Horn BS ‘96
  1516. Wendy Lazarus, BA, '71
  1517. Wendy Maldonado, BA '93
  1518. William A. Gerber, BA '71
  1519. William A. Sussman, BS ‘21
  1520. William C. Crowley BA '79, JD '85
  1521. William Cohen JD 1959
  1522. William Donovan BA ‘91
  1523. William Erich Ellison, BA '18
  1524. William Garfinkel, BA ‘77; JD ‘81; Parent ‘16; Faculty
  1525. William Huhn BA'64, LLB "67
  1526. William Landay, BA ‘85
  1527. William Lieppe, BA '68
  1528. William R Wiltschko, BA '73
  1529. William Thompson BA ‘02
  1530. Winnie Hahn, BS '93
  1531. Xinyuan Wu BA’09
  1532. Yael  Visser, BS ‘94
  1533. Yael Bloom parent '27
  1534. Yael Hauser, BA '04
  1535. Yael Massihesraelian, Parent '25
  1536. Yael Rechter BA ’02
  1537. Yakir Forman, PhD '22
  1538. Yana Faynshteyn, Parent'26
  1539. Yaron Guez BA '06
  1540. Yaron Luk Zilberman, BA and MA '08
  1541. Yasmine Moezinia, BK ‘09
  1542. Yedidya Naveh, BA 2011
  1543. Yehuda Septimus, PHD, ‘08
  1544. Yehudah Mirsky, JD '86
  1545. Yevgeny Yontov, MM '14, DMA '20
  1546. Yishai Schwartz, BA '13, JD '18
  1547. Yona Reiss, JD '92
  1548. Yonatan Yehosef, MBA '19
  1549. Yonina Siegal, BA ‘87, Parent ‘23, Parent YLS ‘26
  1550. Yuliy Masinovsky, MA '00, M.Phil '02
  1551. Yuval Bussi, BS '13
  1552. Yves Blechner, BA '04
  1553. Zachary Bodner, BA '95
  1554. Zachary Zabib: BA' 22
  1555. Zack Rogow, BA ’74
  1556. Zeev Haffner, MBA ‘16
  1557. Zevi Siegal, BA ‘23
  1558. Zina Berman, P' 07
  1559. Ziv Ben-Zion, Postdoctoral Associate
  1560. Zohar Bartfeld Shapiro, MAM ‘16
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