EasyStore Affiliate Account Verification / EasyStore 推廣夥伴帳號驗證
Submit the following information to verify your EasyStore affiliate account. / 提交以下資訊來成為我們的推廣夥伴。
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Full Name / 姓名 *
Email Address /電郵地址 *
Phone Number/手機號碼 *
Billing Address (Faulty address will be disapproved) / 帳單地址 (不存在地址將被拒絕) *
Are you Malaysian? / 您是否馬來西亞公民? *
Country of Citizenship / 若非馬來西亞公民,請填寫國籍
Identity Number 身份證號碼 / Passport Number 護照 *
Company Name / 公司名稱
Company Registration Number / 公司註冊號
Commission Payout Currency / 佣金貨幣 *
Website URL (A valid website is required to be verified) / 網址 *
Methods or channels used to promote EasyStore (As details as possible) / 推廣EasyStore方法 (請詳細說明) *
Upon submission, you have read and agreed to the terms & conditions of the EasyStore Affiliate Program. / 點擊提交則表示您已經閱讀並同意EasyStore會員計劃的條款和條件。 *
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