Stepps Hockey Kids 2022/23 Safe In Care
*We require a new Safe in Care form for all our participants even if you have filled this in for previous years.*

Stepps Hockey Club values the involvement of children in our sport. We are committed to ensuring that all children have fun and stay safe whilst participating in Hockey.

To help us fulfil our joint responsibilities for keeping children safe Scottish Hockey has introduced Safe in Care Guidelines. These Guidelines tell you what you can expect from us when your child participates in Hockey and details the information we need from you to help us keep your child safe.

We ask that you complete this compulsory form at the start of every season and to let us know as soon as possible if any of the information changes. All information will be treated with sensitivity, respect and will only be shared with those who need to know e.g. a team manager or first aider.

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Name of participant *
Date of Birth of Participant *
Name of Parent/Guardian *
Relationship to Participant *
TRANSPORTATION OF CHILDREN - I CONSENT / I DO NOT CONSENT (answer below) to my child being transported by persons representing Stepps Hockey Club, one of its individual members or affiliated clubs, schools or districts for the purposes of taking part in hockey. I understand Stepps Hockey Club will ask any person using a private vehicle to declare that they are properly licensed and insured and, in the case of a person who cannot so declare, will not permit that individual to transport children. *
PHOTOGRAPHS AND PUBLICATIONS (including website)  Your child may be photographed or filmed when participating in hockey in Scotland. In the absence of any explicit objection, those responsible will act in the best interests of the child which may include assuming parental agreement for the above reasons. I GIVE / DO NOT GIVE (answer below) my permission for my child to be involved in photographing/filming and for information about my child to be used for the purposes of promotion, Performance Analysis, Reporting, etc. *
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