Sponsorship Form
Thank you for considering a sponsorship or donation to the Texas Airedale Rescue Team. Any donations we receive goes directly to help the Airedales that come into our rescue. If you are wanting to sponsor TART and have your business advertised on our website and Facebook page, fill out this form. If you are wanting a memoriam or to honor someone on our page, fill out the form below our Donation tab called "Special Donation Form". 
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What is the name of the owner of the business being advertised? *
What is a good phone number to reach the owner of the business? *
What is a good email address for the owner of the business? *
What is the name of the business being sponsored? *
What is the link to the business website? *
What type of business is it? What is the nature of the business? *
Why do you want to sponsor TART? *
Do you have any other questions, concerns, or comments?
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