2024 Board of Education Candidate Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in our BoardBOOST school board program. We provide Get Out The Vote training and resources such as vendor lists and voter lists only to those accepted into our program. We will work smartly to win this year's Board of Education elections.

Firstly, please review our values of this program to see if our values align with yours. https://njboe.info/values/

Our Mission:

The mission of ATNJEF is to educate, engage, and empower New Jerseyans to be active citizens participating fully in our vibrant democracy.

Our Vision:

ATNJ Education Fund envisions a state of citizens who are informed and engaged in democracy, where the power lies with working class people, and elected officials form policies which create and maintain a just, fair, and inclusive community.

Secondly, get to know what our program is about here: https://njboe.info/about/ 

Lastly, fill out and submit this questionnaire. We have kept it brief: there are 10 questions relating to the Board of Education.

Our nonpartisan BoardBOOST program provides complete Board of Education training and resources such as nonpartisan voter lists and campaign design — only to those accepted into our program. We are not affiliated with and do not work with any political parties and the program is strictly nonpartisan. We accept candidates regardless of political party affiliation. Some of the training we provided in 2023 include:

Legal and Political Matters
BOE Roles, Responsibilities and Reality
ELEC Compliance Matters
You Want to Serve: Now What? 
Ballots, Tickets, and Marketing
Voter Data training 
Book Censorship/Banning training 
How to Be an Effective Candidate 
Health and Phys Ed Curriculum
GOTV Tactics

We will respond to you via email for follow up after reviewing your submission. At any time, whether or not you are accepted into our training, you are welcome to attend future Zoom webinars. All information presented is nonpartisan and follows our values. https://njboe.info/resources/ 

We reserve the right not to accept candidates who are against the values of our organization — namely one of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

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Email *
1) Please confirm your email address.  (Please use an email address that you check regularly.) *
2) First name *
3) Last name *
4) Your phone number *
5) Name of your school district eg. "Del Val Regional High School 9-12" *
6) What town do you live in? *
7) What is your county of residence?
8) Were you referred to this program by anyone? If we know a mutual person by name, you may be able to advance to the program. *
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