Politicized Somatics for White-bodied People - Registration Form

What is this experience?

This cohort-based learning experience, co-facilitated by Rachel Svanoe Moynihan and Rosey Lowe, is an opportunity for white folks in our community with deep commitment to using their leadership to undermine systems of oppression, to become more familiar with how those systems of domination manifest in and between our bodies - specifically the patterned ways in which white bodies have been conditioned to move and relate around race. Together we will grow our capacity to really be with the grief and shame of our people’s histories and present, and develop relationships and practices that can help us move through our stuck patterns and shift towards greater alignment with our deeply held values. As we become more resilient in the face of discomfort, feedback and uncertainty, we become more able to take risks, use our power towards repair, and cause less harm - making our community that much safer for everyone. 

This experience will include relationship building, somatic/body-based practices, and study. The framework is heavily informed by somatic abolitionism, Rachel’s Somatic Experiencing certification, polyvagal theory, intergenerational trauma research, as well as a long list of teachers including Resmaa Menakem and Prentis Hemphill, and mentors like Susan Raffo, Rachel Martin, and Tracy Williams.

Cohort schedule: 

Intro session: Saturday, October 5th, 9:30am-4:30pm

Weekly session dates: 

6:30-8:30pm Monday October 14th, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18, Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9  

Closing session: Sunday, December 15th from 12-3:30pm

Barring emergencies, we do ask that people aim to be present for all sessions, which build on each other.

For full details: follow this link!

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Name + Info: 
Name:  *
Email: *
A little bit about you!
We will follow up with a few more questions to get to know you in the weeks leading up to the cohort. But we'd like to know a little bit about you in the meantime!
Tell us about what resonates with you about this offering. What hopes do you have for participating?
What's one question/challenge you're chewing on or wrestling with around how we live out our racial justice commitments in white bodies?
What are some hats that you wear? (example: parent, organizer, musician, chaplain, sibling, etc)
Organizations or groups that are part of the context in which you're exercising your leadership and seeking to live out your values! (This could be your employer, groups you organize with, a spiritual/religious community, or a "political home")
How did you hear about this offering?
Anything else you want to share about yourself up front? Or questions to ask?

Sliding Scale for this experience is $600-1,000, with the option of three monthly payments. 

While it’s important to us that white folks with the resources to do so are investing in this work, which makes it possible for us to continue leading it, we know that wealth and resource is UNequally distributed among us and ask that you consider how much you can pay following these guidelines. 

If you’re eager to join but $600 is not doable for you, please indicate interest in accessing scholarship funds. If you’re able to contribute on the high end of the scale and/or have organizational support from an employer, consider giving $1200 to contribute to the scholarship fund and enable us to offer more subsidized spots.  

How much are you able to pay for your participation?
Will you wish to pay in one payment up front or in monthly payments?
Do you have an employer or other resource that you expect to support your participation?
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