Intro to Home Composting
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 PM

Home composting is a great way to manage food scraps like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, stale bread, and other scraps or spoiled foods so they don’t go to waste! This free workshop is designed for new/beginner composters looking to get started. The class will introduce the environmental and horticultural benefits of composting and the basic principles of how to do it correctly. Then, participants will learn about the various compost bin options and the pros and cons of each composting system.

This class will be offered virtually. Participants can attend this virtual program from home or join the Marlborough Conservation Advisory Committee for a virtual screening at the Marlboro Free Library, located at 1251 Route 9W, Marlboro, NY 12542.

This program will be presented by Tanesia White, Recycling Educator of the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency, in collaboration with the Marlborough Conservation Advisory Committee.

The Webex meeting link and password will be emailed to you before the event. 
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Accessibility:  The parking lot in front of the building has accessible parking. From the parking lot to the sidewalk, there is a wheelchair accessible ramp. The front door opens automatically upon entry and the library is all one level.

We strive to offer equal program opportunities. Educational resources in Spanish are available by request. If you require any special accommodations or have questions about this program, please contact Tanesia White, Recycling Educator, at TWHI@UCRRA.ORG or 845-336-3336.

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Last Name *
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Phone Number (Please use dashes xxx-xxx-xxx): *
Town of Residence *
Have you ever attended a UCRRA class or program before? 
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Please double-check your email spelling before submitting this form. After submitting, you should receive an email with your form responses. Please note that a Webex meeting link and password will be emailed to you before the event.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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