All 4 Cats Adoption Application
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Email *
Is there a certain cat/kitten you are interested in? If yes, which cat?
Adopters Date of Birth (You must be at least 21 to adopt) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
How long at this address? (months/years) *
Do you *
If you rent, what is the name and phone number of landlord/property manager?
Who are you adopting this cat for? *
Will this be your/their first cat? *
How many adults in the household?
How many children (and ages) in the household? *
Does any member of the household have an allergy to cats? *
If so, who? How will it be managed?
How many dogs do you have? *
How many cats do you have? *
Do you have any other animals that will interact with the cat? *
If you have any pets, please describe them here (age, type, personality, etc.)
Are all animals in the household spayed/neutered?
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Are all your animals current with vaccinations and preventions?  Check all that apply *
If there any animals missing any vaccines/prevention, please explain why:
How do you plan to integrate this cat into your household? *
Have you ever had to turn in a pet to the shelter? *
If yes, explain
Have you ever had to rehome an animal? *
If yes, what year and explain 
Ever had a pet go missing? *
If yes, explain
Why do you want a cat? (Check all that apply) *
Where will this cat live? *
Do you plan to declaw this cat? *
Veterinarian Name and Phone #:         
(Please note: We may call your vet)
During a typical day, how many hours will the cat be without human company? *
If you go away who will care for the cat? *
Describe any possible circumstances in which you feel you may not be able to continue caring for this cat: *
What arrangements will be made for the care of this cat in the case of a personal emergency? (not cat related) *
Do you know that a cat can live 15-20 years (or more!) and are you able and committed to providing the proper care this cat needs for the duration of its life? *
Do you know that the care for an average cat can cost $1000 year? (food, litter, flea treatment, rabies, regular vet visits) *
How did you hear about All 4 Cats (or the cat you are interested in adopting)?
Any additional information you would like to add?
Signature of Adopter (first and last name) *
*PLEASE NOTE - We will only use your email address to send occasional newsletters with information about cat care, resources for helping, adoption events and fundraising campaigns regarding cats and the All 4 Cats Rescue. We will not share your email address with any other party for any reason, ever. When submitting this form you are verifying that all information provided in this document is accurate. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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