McAlester High School - AP Contract
You have indicated an interest in registering for one or more Advanced Placement (AP) courses during the upcoming school year. Taking an AP course and exam is a collaborative effort between you (the student), your parent/guardian, your teacher(s), and the school. Each party plays a role and must make the commitment to meet the expectations noted below.
The Student agrees to organize his/her time and effort to successfully complete the AP course(s) in which he/she is enrolled. The student will notify teachers immediately if he/she falls behind in class readings and/or assignments. The student will be expected to complete assignments, readings and projects outside of class time. Once the registration process has been completed, you will have until July 26, 2018 to request removal from an AP course. After July 26, 2018, you will be obligated to take the AP course(s) which you have chosen due to master scheduling purposes. Any student obligated on the July 26th deadline will be required to stay in the class for three (3) weeks until August 30, 2018.
If you are accepted and then decide to participate in dual enrollment instead, you must provide acceptance letter and schedule by August 10, 2018. After August 10, 2018, you will be obligated to take the AP course(s) which you have chosen.

The Parent/Guardian agrees to be familiar with and accept the AP course requirements and policies, and to help his/her student organize student time in support of class assignments. The parent/guardian agrees to purchase required materials and to pay the exam fee as determined by the AP Coordinator. If the parent/guardian is unable to meet these requirements for financial reasons, they will contact the AP Coordinator immediately.

The School (AP Teacher and AP Coordinator) agrees to provide rigorous instruction and challenging course content as described in the AP Course Description. The school will provide the student with a copy of the Bulletin for AP Students  and Parents and agrees to administer the AP Exam in a fair and secure environment as outlined in the AP Coordinator's Manual.

McAlester AP Course Exam Expectations: Students who are enrolled in and complete an Advanced Placement course at McAlester High School are expected to take the College Board Advanced Placement Exam for that course. The College Board does not require the students enrolled in an AP course to take the corresponding AP Exam. Students are responsible for the cost of each AP Exam. The starting exam fee will be $90 in January and will increase to $95 in February, and finally $100 in March. Discounted exam fees exist for those students taking multiple AP exams.
Scholarships are available to students who require financial assistance. Forms for these scholarships are in the senior counselor's office.
Student's name: *
Please list all AP classes in which your child will enroll. *
Parent's name: *
We agree to the above requirements *
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