18th IH Conference for Teachers
Saturday 17th February 2024 (face-to-face)
How much?
Fee: 20€ (free of charge for IH teachers and partner schools)
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School name *
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Typ školy
If you are not an IH Bratislava teacher (or partner school), you have to pay a fee.  The school will invoice you in advance.  Please provide the address that should be put on the invoice (full address).
Ak nie ste učiteľ IH Bratislava, budete platiť poplatok za konferenciu. Faktúru vystavíme vopred. Poprosíme Vás o fakturačné údaje (úplná adresa).
Did you know?
IH Bratislava is the only open CELTA training center in Slovakia.
More information about the IH Conference
IH Bratislava and Cambridge University Press & Assessment and Oxico processes personal data of its clients in accordance with the European Parliament and Commission Directive n. 2016/679 - the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and Act 18/2018, chapter on the protection of personal data. IHBA & Cambridge & Oxico only processes such data, which is crucial for participation in a course or conference in order to fulfil all its legal and contractual obligations. These mainly include: name, surname, address and email. IHBA processes this data with the purpose of registration (enrolment) into a conference, completion thereof, assessment there of and for sending necessary information. We will take pictures and/or videos during the event. *
More information regarding GDPR: https://www.ihbratislava.sk/en/gdpr 
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