Henrlympics Application Form
Welcome to the Henrlympics! We are seeking ten contestants from each country to compete for a prize pool of 3000 USDC. Winners will also be guaranteed high positioning in future airdrops (stay tuned).

The theme of this competition is national pride! Contestants from each country will work together to bring victory to their country. More information will be presented upon acceptance.

The competition will take place from June 21-September 1. If you are interested, please fill out the information below. If you are accepted, you will be added to the Henry Olympics Telegram Groupchat.

Prerequisite - must be proficient in English AND your native language
Name *
Discord Handle *
Telegram Handle *
Which country are you from? *
You may select your native country instead of the one you are currently living in. If your country is not below, you may select "other." However, we cannot guarantee that a team will be made for your country, but we will try our best.
Which community do you primarily align with? *
What do you love about the Henry Community? (Quality responses are most likely to get chosen) *
Are you willing to dedicate 10-15 hours per week? *
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