Live Your Healthy Life Attendee Survey
Your Feedback Matters! This brief survey aims to capture your experience, insights, and suggestions to enhance future events. Your input will shape the future of Live Your Healthy Lyfe, helping us continue to empower the historically underrepresented residents of North Minneapolis. Thank you for taking the time to participate.
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Do you currently live or have you ever lived in North Minneapolis?
What was your favorite health booth and why? *
Did you like the information they provided? The products they gave? 
What do you think is the biggest issue/hurdle for North Minneapolis residents regarding health? *
Were you able to connect with a provider or resource about a personal need? *
EXAMPLE- Aliyah is experiencing housing insecurity. Today she was able to talk with Habitat for Humanity about rental opportunities.  
How did you hear about this event? *
What are things you would like to see next year?  *
This includes vendors, health partners, food or performers
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