イエスのたとえ話 / The parables of Jesus
English follows Japanese


毎週の金曜日、20:15-21:15 @Zoom
10/04  無慈悲な僕 (マタイ18:23-35)
10/11 放蕩息子 (ルカ15:11-32)
10/18  良きサマリア人 (ルカ 10:25-37)
10/25  種まく人 (マタイ13:1-23)
11/01  愚かな金持ち (ルカ12:13-21)
11/08  大宴会  (ルカ 14:15-24)
11/15  賢い管理者 (ルカ16:1-13)


The parables of Jesus are among the most well-known and influential stories ever told. The parables make up about 35% of Jesus’s teachings in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. We are excited to be inspired, challenged, and encouraged together as we explore seven of Jesus’ parables in this upcoming Bible Study. As always, we will also have a time of sharing and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there!

Every Friday, 20:15-21:15 @Zoom
10/04 UNFORGIVING SERVANT (Mt18:23-35)
10/11 PRODIGAL SON  (Lk15:11-32)
10/18 GOOD SAMARITAN (Lk10:25-37)
10/25 SOWER (Mt13:1-23)
11/01 RICH FOOL (Lk12:13-21)
11/08 GREAT BANQUET (Lk14:15-24)
11/15 SHREWD STEWARD (Lk16:1-13)

After signing up we will send you the Zoom link and the study material in a separate mail on Friday, September 27th. 
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