OSJ Survey - How do scientists choose where to publish?
This survey collects information about factors that researchers consider when choosing journals for submitting their scientific paper. The results will be used to support Open Science Journal mission to support all researchers to make reaching the furthest with their research, while at the same time offering free public access to scientific research.

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer our questions. We would also appreciate your help in passing the survey to other researchers who might be interested in contributing.

Many thanks for your input!

Open Science Journal editorial board

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Name of your Institution / University *
Country of residence *
Current status *
Field of science *
Affiliation (membership) with any professional or researchers association/organization?
Approximate number of peer-reviewed publications you have published in the last 3 years *
Please rate the importance of each factor when you choosing a journal to publish your research: *
Most Important
Very Important
Slightly Important
Not Important
Impact Factor (IF)
Amount of the Publication Charges (APC)
Open Access Policy
Fast review and publication process
Journal restrictions (e.g. words limit, figure limit)
Peer review
Reputation of the publisher and/or of the journal
Indexing (e.g. PubMed, Scopus, WoS,...)
Journal Editorial Board
Article Level Metrics (ALM)
Supervisor / Head of department recommendation
Colleague recommendation
Select the sources of funding used to cover the Article Processing Fee for your recent publication(s). (Check all that apply) *
What was the average APC that you have had to pay (in US dollars) in past 3 years?
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From your previous experience what was the average time from submission to acceptance of your paper for publication.
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Are you interested in learning more about the journal publishing process?
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If you have any comments about this survey or questions about the Open Science Journal please write below. (Optional)
If you wish to be included in the following options, please opt in below
Your email (if you select any checkbox in previous question)
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