Jack's Solar Garden Field Trip Interest Form
Field trips are located at 8102 N. 95th Street Longmont, CO 80504. Field trips are conducted primarily during the growing season (April through October). Please fill out the following form with the type of field trip you would like for your students. 
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Email *
What school are your students from? *
How many students will be you be bringing? We advise bringing an adult chaperone for every 10 students *
What ages are the majority of students? *
How long will you be interested in staying? *
What are some dates that will work for your field trip? *
What time would you like to visit Jack's Solar Garden? Preferable times are between 9am - 2pm
What topics are most relevant to your coursework? *
Would you like an agrivoltaics educator to do a preparatory lesson at your school prior to the field trip?  *
Are there any accessibility needs for you or your students? Please explain *
Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center is committed to help economically disadvantaged schools transport their students to the farm. Would your school need a transportation scholarship? 
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