Press Release Request Form

Want to get the word out about your Etsy shop, art, or other business? Not sure how to reach more people? That's where we come in!

We write and share a story (a 'press release') about your product or business that helps catch the eye of potential customers and even the media. Think of it like a news story that shows off what's great about your work.

We use our skills and networks to make sure this story gets seen on major platforms like AP News. All you have to do is fill out this form, and we'll get started on helping your business shine

For some examples of our work, feel free to check out these press releases we have created and distributed for our clients:

Fill out this form to take the first step in amplifying your message. We look forward to working with you!

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Email *
Bussiness Name: What is the name of the bussiness the press release will be about?
Your Name: What is your full name?
Website url: Which url do you want to promote in the press release?
Press Release Purpose: What is the purpose of this press release? (Product launch, event announcement, company news, etc.)
Industry: What industry does your company operate in?
Additional Information: Is there any other information we should know to best serve your needs?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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