CLOSED - PIDapalooza 2019 Proposal Form
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Submissions are now CLOSED!
Below is an archive of the submission form.  
You can register and learn more about PIDapalooza 2019 here:
And follow @PIDapalooza for latest updates.  


Why build an open identifier infrastructure? So that anyone can use it to create cool tools and services for the research community. If you’re doing something interesting with persistent identifiers, or you want to, come to PIDapalooza and share your ideas with a crowd of like-minded innovators.

Use this form to submit a proposal for an (approximately) 25 minute session at PIDapalooza – that's 25-min because we are going to do rapid fire 30-min time slots throughout the day and we will all need 5-min to switch presenters/rooms. Remember this is a festival!

Festival themes include:

1. PID myths.  Are PIDs better in our minds than in reality?  PID stands for Persistent IDentifier, but what does that mean and does such a thing exist?  

2. Achieving persistence.  So many factors affect persistence: mission, oversight, funding, succession, redundancy, governance.  Is open infrastructure for scholarly communication the key to achieving persistence?

3. PIDs for emerging uses.  Long-term identifiers are no longer just for digital objects.  We have use cases for people, organizations, vocabulary terms, and more. What additional use cases are you working on?

4. Legacy PIDs.  There are of thousands of venerable old identifier systems that people want to continue using and bring into the modern data citation ecosystem.  How can we manage this effectively?

5. Bridging worlds.  What would make heterogeneous PID systems "interoperate" optimally?  Would standardized metadata and APIs across PID types solve many of the problems, and if so, how would that be achieved?  What about standardized link/relation types?

6. PIDagogy.  It’s a challenge for those who provide PID services and tools to engage the wider community. How do you teach, learn, persuade, discuss, and improve adoption? What's it mean to build a pedagogy for PIDs?

7. PID stories.  Which strategies worked?  Which strategies failed?  Tell us your horror stories! Share your victories!

8. Kinds of persistence.  What are the frontiers of ‘persistence’? We hear lots about fraud prevention with identifiers for scientific reproducibility, but what about data papers promoting PIDs for long-term access to reliably improving objects (software, pre-prints, datasets) or live data feeds?
Which theme inspired your session? *
Talk title *
Talk description *
How would you run the session to support the spirit of PIDapalooza as a laid-back, welcoming, energetic and exciting, sociable and serious gathering?  (Optional)
Your bio *
Email address *
Thank you -- we will be in touch!
We will be contacting everyone about final schedule decision by early November.  In the meantime, please make sure to register for PIDapalooza at:  And follow @PIDapalooza for latest updates.  
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