Application Form - Voice
ENKOR Int'l Music Competition, Voice

Results: March 30 | to be announced on the ENKOR Competition website
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Email *
Name *
Please write your First Name (Forename) and Last Name (Surname)
City (and State for USA)
Postal Code (ZIP Code)
Country of Residence *
Country of Birth (only if different)
Date of Birth *
Age *
Clear selection
Age Group *
(as of the Application Deadline)
Voice Type *
Repertoire you apply with *
Please read carefully the Video Instructions below.
Video Instructions
Please include the piece/s you are applying with in the format: name of the piece, composer's name, duration. Please also include web link/s below each piece.

Videos should be available for watching online - download links won't be accepted.

If you submit YouTube links, be sure your videos have the proper settings:

VIDEO MANAGER → videos → Basic Info → from the dropdown menu, please choose "Public" or "Unlisted" instead of  "Private". Also, embedding should be allowed.

Videos should be recorded no more than 18 months before the date of your submission. Video recordings (audio not acceptable) must be genuinely performed by applicants and may not be edited, nor should any effects be added.
To ensure that poor recording quality does not interfere with jury’s ability to review the material, avoid distortion and ensure that accompaniment is not louder than the applicant (where applicable). You will not be penalized for the quality of your video, although it is important that it is good enough to see and hear you clearly.
About (Biography/CV)
Portrait Photo Instructions
You have to send your portrait photo by email to complete the application process.
Please send your photo to the following email address:

Image file size: Before sending check the image file size. Please resize your photo if it exceeds 1.5 MB in size.
Image file name: Before sending check the image file name. The file name should include Your Name and nothing more.
Image file format: We accept JPEG and PNG files only.
Do not submit more than 1 photo.
Portrait Photo *
Teacher's Name *
Teacher's Email Address *
Proof of Payment (PayPal Transaction ID or Receipt No) *
Where to find your PayPal Transaction ID or Receipt No?  You'll find the Transaction ID or Receipt No within the "Receipt of Payment" email you will receive from PayPal.
Date of Payment *
Payer's Name (if different from applicant's name)
Payer's Email Address (if different from applicant's email)
Parent/Guardian - Instructions
Applicable only if the Applicant is under 18 years of age.
In such case the parent or guardian must fill out this Application Form on behalf of the Applicant.
Parent/Guardian's Name
Parent/Guardian's Email Address
Date of Application *
Applicant's Consent or Parent/Guardian's Consent
By checking the box below (1) I confirm that I've read and understand the Competition Rules, (2) I agree to abide by all Rules, Procedures/Instructions of the Competition, (3) I understand and agree that incomplete Application and/or failure to comply with any of the Rules/Procedures/Instructions, and/or non-payment of the Application Fee, and/or submitting this Application Form after the deadline may result in my disqualification without notice, (4) I understand and agree that the Application Fee is non-refundable, (5) I understand and agree that all decisions made by the judges are final and may not be appealed, (6) I certify that the information given on this Application Form is correct, (7) I acknowledge that I am not relying upon any representation, warranty, condition, agreement or understanding, written or oral, except as specified herein or elsewhere on the ENKOR Competition's website, (8) I warrant and represent that I have the right to submit this Application Form, no consent or approval of a third party is required, and I am not subject to any contract, commitment, agreement, arrangement or restriction of any kind which would prevent me from doing so. The checking of the box below shall be binding to the same extent as an original signature.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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