Volunteer Sign Up for Unveiling Ceremony 09/18/2021
Volunteer date and time: Saturday, September 18th, 2021 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: La Quinta High School - 10372 McFadden Ave, Westminster, CA 92683

If you have any questions, please contact
Alan Vo Ford
(714) 390-3105
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Title - Chức Vụ
Ex: Student, Teacher, etc
Full name - Tên Họ *
Ex: John Doe
Office - Agency - Đoàn Thể
Ex: La Quinta High School, Quang Tri Victory Foundation, etc
Email *
Phone Number *
Ex: 714-123-4567
I’m aware of and expressly assume full and complete responsibility for all risks associated with volunteering, including, without limitation, falls, contact with participants, the effects of weather, traffic, and the conditions of the streets and routes used. I hereby waive, release, and covenant not to sue the Quang Tri Victory Foundation, the La Quinta High School, the Garden Grove School Unified School District, and/or participating organizations or any promoter, official, sponsor, participant and each of the respective officers, employees and agents (“Releasee”) for any claims for damages or injuries I may sustain as a result of my participation at the events, even if caused by negligence or recklessness. I give permission to the Releasee for the free use of my name, photograph, voice or likeness in any broadcast, telecast, advertising or other media and waiver any rights of privacy I may have in that regard. This waiver and release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by California law, and is binding on my heirs, assigns and legal representatives. *
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