Inquiry for Holy Spirit Transformation Coaching
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How interested are you in working with Tom Ruotolo in the Holy Spirit Transformation Coaching Program to increase your effectiveness and impact in business, family and everyday life?
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Please complete in order to set up a preliminary 30 min call to discuss if this group is right for you.  This group is designed for individuals or couples that are approaching or have more than $750K in assets.
First Name *
Last name *
What is your email address?  This should be your personal email address and will be used for personal/coaching purposes ONLY!
What is your Business Name, if applicable?
What is your greatest business or personal outcome you would like to achieve in this program? 
What is your approximate total net worth?  (Holy Spirit Transformation Coaching is targeted for those whose total assets are over $750K but may accept others on a case by case basis.)
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Cell Phone (Please include Country Code) *
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