Queen City Pride Festival is from June 2 - 11! Parade & OUT in the Park are on June 10th. Check all that apply.
What time(s) of day are you available? *
Check all that apply.
Have you volunteered for Queen City Pride before? *
Are you interested in being a team coordinator? This would mean that you would be in charge of coordinating the efforts of 3-10 volunteers. (PLEASE NOTE: that people who have volunteered in the past will be given preference.) *
Do you have any specialized training or certificates?
Do you have a license/vehicle and can do tasks involving driving? (picking up or delivering small packages, assisting in carpooling, etc)
Yes - I can drive people or things
Yes - I can drive ONLY people
Yes - I can drive ONLY things
No, I can't help out in this way.
Please let us know about any experience you may have that is relevant to the volunteering roles, any needs we may need to be aware of, or anything else you think we should know about you.
Your answer
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