Client Experience Survey
We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience!
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Did you experience any difficulties accessing  Safety Network Durham? (please select all that apply)
Did you experience any difficulties accessing  Safety Network Durham  not reflected in the options above? (if no, skip this question, if yes please explain)
Did you feel Safety Network Durham respected the privacy of your personal information and obtained consent before sharing your information?
Using the scale below, please tell us how much you agree, or disagree with each statement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Unsure/Not Applicable
Services were easy to access.
I felt my needs were understood.
I talked about safety planning for my situation.
I felt listened to and respected.
I was connected to services relevant to my situation.
I received service in a manner sensitive to my culture, background, or other life circumstances.
I did not have to repeat the same information about my story multiple times.
It was helpful to be connected to services through one centralized program.
I felt Safety Network Durham was a safe and secure place.
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For this section, consider how you feel/felt AFTER your most recent interaction with  Safety Network Durham.  Using the scale below, please tell us how much you agree, or disagree with each statement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Unsure/Not Applicable
I feel safer.
I feel more in charge of my life.
I better understand the next steps in dealing with my situation.
I would recommend this service to others
Overall I was satisfied with the service I received from Safety Network Durham
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What did you appreciate about working with  Safety Network Durham?
What changes or improvements would you recommend?
Is there anything we could do to make our services feel more inclusive and/or culturally safe? If yes, please explain
Are there any other comments you would like to add?
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