2022-2023 CCS Ridership Bus Request


Please complete the form below by April 8th, 2022 to request a bus for the 2022 - 2023 school year.

In order to prepare for the 2022 - 2023 school year, we require all parents and guardians to confirm their transportation plans even if your child currently rides the bus this school year. Student stop information will be provided by your child's school in August.

Parents/guardians who fail to request school bus transportation for their children in advance may not be provided transportation at the last minute. If parents sign up a child to ride just prior to school opening, they will have to provide their own transportation to school until space can be obtained -- this might not occur until 2-3 weeks after school has started. The final day to request or change bus transportation for the 2022 - 2023 school year is July 28, 2022.
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Student's First Name *
Student's last name *
Student ID #: *
CURRENT Grade Level *
School Currently Attending: *
Student's FULL Home Address (including city and zip code): *
Bus Transportation: *
If you answered *YES* to the above question, what is the AM stop address:
If you answered *YES* to the above question, what is the PM stop address:
STEM Academy families ONLY:    Hub Stops are available for students enrolled in our STEM program who live outside of the NCHS district.  Hub stops have been determined to be at the following locations for the 2022-23 school year.  Only students assigned to a Hub Stop will be able to utilize the stop.    If your child IS enrolled in the STEM program, you DO live outside of our district, and you DO need a hub bus, please select the Hub stop location that you prefer.  (These are the only locations provided by CCS for the 22-23 school year.)  If you live within our school bounds or are not enrolled in the STEM program, please leave this option blank.
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Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: *
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