TBRA-Approved Landlord List
Affordable Housing Corporation and Grant County Probation are collaborating to create a comprehensive list of rental options, rental companies, and individual landlords willing to rent to formerly incarcerated individuals and/or individuals with eviction records. This database is secure and protected and will only be shared internally.

If you know OF or ARE a rental company or individual landlord willing to work with this population... please fill out the form below and we will get them/you added to the database.
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Rental company or individual landlord? *
What type of rental unit(s)? *
Rental Company or Individual Landlord Name *
Best Contact Name (if submitting a rental company or if different from Individual Landlord)
Contact Phone Number *
Rental Property Address or Rental Company Office Address (please specify)
Website or Facebook Page
# of Bedrooms (check all that apply)
Pets Allowed?
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Do they/you have a willingness to work with formerly incarcerated individuals? Why are you submitting to the Housing/Landlord Databased? Please explain.
Have you discussed the TBRA Program with this Rental Company or Individual Landlord? Or if you ARE a rental agency or landlord, are you willing to work with the TBRA Program?
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