Fleur de Noise
Hello! Thank you for your interest in getting involved with Fleur De Noise. Please fill out the form completely and we will be in touch asap!

We are currently looking for drummers, instrumentalists, and chant leaders leading into the 2024 season. 

Your info is safe with us. This account is secured with 2-factor authentication. And contact information will only be used for FdN related messages.
Email *
Preferred Name + Last name *
Are you a STL City Supporters Section Ticket Holder? *
Where would you rate your level of musical experience *
Can't clap on beat
Sheila E/Neil Peart/ Louie Armstrong/ Dolly Parton
What Instruments do you have experience with and/or performance experience do you have? *
What Instrument do you think you'd be most comfortable on/would like to try? *
Bass Drum/Bomba
Hand or specialty drums
Horns (Trombone, Trumpet, Sousaphone, etc)
Set-Up/Break Down
Technician (in-game support)
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
What are the best days for you to fit a practice in to your schedule?
Do you prefer email or text for future communication? *
Cell Number  *
Are you a member of a recognized Saint Louis City Supporters Group? *
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