I know someone who passed away after taking the vaccine.
We are a group of concerned citizens who are very worried about the current vaccination programme and would like to find out the underlying conditions that may lead to accidental vaccine deaths. If you know someone who has passed away after taking the vaccines and can provide information about their underlying conditions, we would like to hear from you. Please note that we would need to verify the information with a family member of the deceased. Thank you for participating in this research.
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Your name. *
I declare that my testimonial is true and I have no intention to mislead. I understand that what I'm sharing is truly what happened to loved ones after they took the vaccine. It doesn't mean that it's caused by the vaccine and you can call me to verify the facts. *
Your hp *
Telegram handle if any. *
Name of deceased person. *
How are you related to this person? *
If you answer friend, can you provide the name of the person we can verify this with.   *
Can you provide the contact number of the family member we can verify this data with? *
Did the deceased have any known underlying condition? *
What is the known underlying condition of the deceased? *
How many days was it after the deceased has taken the jab before he / she passed away? *
Do you know if it was the 1st or 2nd jab?
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Do you know what brand jab was it?
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Do you have anything else to share about his / her vaccination history / medical history / health condition?
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