Police and Community Team Application
Applicant MUST BE 18 years of age or older to apply. Applicants must live within the city limits of Thornton to qualify.

Answer all questions to the best of your ability. If a question is not applicable to you, enter N/A in the space provided.
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Due to the sensitive nature of some subjects being discussed in the Thornton Police and Community Team, a criminal history background check will be conducted on all individuals applying for the Team. Individuals found to possess a criminal history will be individually evaluated as to the appropriateness of their involvement in the Team. *
First Name *
Last Name *
Provide any other last names used or write "N/A" *
Date of Birth *
Current Address (City, State, ZIP) *
How long have you lived in the City of Thornton? *
Best Contact Phone Number *
Email Address *
Drivers License State *
Drivers License Number *
Current Employer and Occupation *
Have you been arrested for a misdemeanor or felony in the past seven years? If yes, explain in detail including date of offense, charge, location and disposition.   *
Please explain briefly why you wish to be a part of the Thornton Police and Community Team. *
Confidentiality Statement: As a volunteer for the City of Thornton I understand that some of my work may involve access to information and records that are considered confidential. I acknowledge my responsibility to respect the confidentiality of others, to follow procedures in order to protect privacy, and to act in a professional manner with the public. I further understand that if I violate confidentiality or am unprofessional, I will be dismissed immediately. I understand this action to be necessary in order to maintain high professional standards of the City of Thornton. *
Please sign your full name.
I acknowledge I have read and understood this agreement. I certify that all statements on this form are true and complete and understand that false statements or incomplete information shall be sufficient cause to not accept me as an applicant or dismiss me as a volunteer. I have read and accept this disclaimer. *
Please sign your full name.
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