Yes to Granny! registration
Event date/time: August 10th 12:15-1:45
Meeting Point: In front of 1831 K street/19th -Disability Rights California building
Route: Loop around Farmers Market (19/20th between K and J street)
Duration: 1 1/2 hours
Registration deadline: July 19th
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Please read description before you register:

Yes to Granny! art performance for affordable housing solutions for seniors
You are signing up to be an 'actor' in the Yes to Granny! performance that is in the form of a mock street demonstration.  This art performance raises public awareness on the urgent state of the housing crisis, particularly for our aging and senior residents. We will start at 1831 K street and walk toward the Farmers market and do a loop between 19th/20th and K/J streets. We wear Yes to Granny shirts( you can keep) and hold Yes to Granny signs and pass out pamphlets on city sponsored affordable housing and in-fill development information. We will chant slogans and call backs and follow the facilitator through the midtown farmers market.* There will be a 15 minute info-session meeting on Zoom 1 week prior to the event that participants should attend. There will be a 15 minute preparation for the performance at 12:15pm the day of the event. Participants will need to pick up their t-shirts prior to the event. There will be 2 pickup points. (TBD) Participants should wear hats and clothing for Sacramento summer weather. This is not a required Ambassador group event, however most of the Ambassador group will be actors in this city-sponsored event. The performance will be approximately 30-45 minutes. We will need 15 minutes prior and 15 afterwards. You will receive a confirmation email with detailed directions after you register. 

Please contact the art facilitator, Angie Eng for any questions.

*If you have crowd anxiety, this may pose as a challenge since there are many people during the farmers market. 
Yes, I read the description and agree to the conditions above. *
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Please let us know your t-shirt size *
Please confirm your attendance *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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