Encounter - Team Application
Please answer the following questions as completely as possible.
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Name (First & Last) *
Phone *
include area code
Home Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
School Mailing Address
(if applicable)
Email Address
Age *
Gender *
School or Place of Work
Home Church
Home Church Address
Home Church Phone
T-Shirt Size *
Any Medical/Dietary/Special Needs?
Which of the following were you a Candidate at *
What was the # of the Encounter/YATEC/TEC/Cursillo where you were a candidate?
Weekend applying for: *
Team Experience *
The following question must be answered in order to be on team... *
Describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ & tell why you want to work this weekend.
Team Positions *
Please number 1-6 in order.  #1 would be first choice, #6 would be last choice.
Use wherever needed
Prayer Team
Kitchen Team
Support Team
Music Team
Table Leader (previous team experience needed for this position)
Team Speakers
indicate which talk you would like to give & send in an outline
Please give a brief description of what plan on sharing during the talk you're applying for
Please include the number of the talk you're applying for
You must attend the team meeting prior to the weekend or
you will be dismissed from the team.  Team members must be present for
the entire weekend:  Thursday set-up through Sunday clean-up.  
Full and partial scholarships are available to team members based on need.
Please make checks payable to Encounter.  The cost is $70/individual or $120/couple.                  
(Checks will not be cashed until after the weekend so please send it with your application)        

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