Students Feedback Form
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Email *
Name Of Students *
1 point
Name Of Class *
1 point
Name Of Course  *
1 point
1.  Rate how satisfactory are the course contents of your syllabus. *
1 point

2. Rate how useful is the curriculum prescribed.

1 point

3. Rate how easily is the prescribed readings of the syllabus available to yous.

1 point

4. Rate how satisfactory are the depth of the course content.

1 point

5. Rate whether the course objectives are clearly presented and met with the designed syllabus.

1 point

6. Rate teacher's guidance in extracurricular activities, soft skills, life skills and employability skills, etc.

1 point

7. How is teacher's method of teaching.

1 point

8. Rate discussion conducted on your performance in assignments & practical by teachers?

1 point

9. Whether the teaching and non-teaching staff cooperative?

1 point

10. Express your suggestions/opinions relating to the curriculum you are studying good teaching.

1 point
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