Davies Automotive Careers Graduate Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  The information you provide us will help us better improve the program.

Please note that some questions are Collision specific and other are Technology related.  Only answer the questions depending on the side from which you graduated from.

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Email *
Year of Graduation *
Which of the below choices best describes your employment after completing the Auto Program? *
Is your work related to Automotive Careers? *
If you are not working in Automotive Careers, please tell us why.
Name of employer.
Location of employer : (City and State)
What type of work related duties are you performing? *
What are your educational plans? *
What was most useful or valuable about your Automotive classes? *
What was least useful or valuable about your Automotive classes? *
What would you like to see changed within the Automotive Program? *
As a Collision program graduate, what was the most valuable skill you learned in the program you are currently using?
As a Technology program graduate, what was the most valuable skill you learned in the program you are currently using?
As a Collision program graduate, what is one or multiple skills you wish the program should have better prepared you for?
As a Technology program graduate, what is one or multiple skills you wish the program should have better prepared you for?
What should we NOT change about the Automotive Program? *
Are you using your Snap-on Tools at your place of employment? *
Are there specific Collision related tools that you feel would have helped you while in the program?
Are there any specific Technology related tools that you feel would have helped you while in the program?
What would you tell a new Automotive Careers student to help them better prepare for their first Automotive related job? *
Please include any additional comments or feedback about the Automotive Technology program. *
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