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次の文の(  )の中から適する語を選びなさい。
① We ( are, have, has ) lived in this town for five years.
1 point
② Bob ( is, have, has ) just finished having lunch.
1 point
③ I have already ( writing, wrote, written ) the letter.
1 point
④ They have ( visit, visited, visiting ) Canada many times.
1 point
次の文を( )内の指示に従って書き換えなさい。
I have made dinner. (yetを使って否定文に)→I __________ __________ dinner yet.
1 point
You have stayed here since this morning. (疑問文に)→__________ you __________ here since this morning?
1 point
Ms. Brown has been to Japan three times.(下線部をたずねる疑問文に)→__________ __________ times __________ Ms. Brown ___________ to Japan?
1 point
    Sarah is a Canadian girl.  She is staying with Ken’s family.  She has been in Osaka for half a year.     One day after dinner, Sarah and Ken were talking about computers.  “Are computers useful in our daily lives?” asked Ken.     “I think they are very useful.  We can do a lot of things with them.  But we should think of both the good points and the bad points,” said Sarah.     “Have you ever used a computer at your school in Canada?” asked Ken.     “Oh, yes.  I often sent e-mails.  When I sent an e-mail to my friend in the United States for the first time, she answered it very quickly.  I was surprised at that.
1 point
a Where is Sarah from?→  She is __________ __________.
1 point
b What does Sarah thinks about computers?→ She thinks computers are __________ __________.
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
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