Preferred contact details for sharing news and views on Thursday sessions. e.g. email, facebook group, facebook messenger, Whatsapp, club website, all of the above, other, or none. Please specify your actual email or phone number etc as appropriate.
Your answer
How often do you expect to be training with the club on Thursday evenings, from April to September?
Clear selection
How keen are you to train on grass? (Assuming dry weather and firm ground)
No, I would rather not
Yes, that's great!
Clear selection
In wet weather, would you still train on grass?
No, I would rather not
Fine by me!
Clear selection
The group size has been around 20. How is that for you?
Clear selection
We have been starting at 7:30, how does that suit you?
Clear selection
Any comments? This could be about your goals, or how you think we can help you in the next 6 months, or the sessions so far, or anything important to you.