GWS for Therapists Course Contributor Application
For those interested in being a contributor to the updated version of the Practice of Therapy Course on using Google Workspace in private practice, please complete this form below.  (Submission of a topic or lesson does not guarantee inclusion in the course.)  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Phone (Optional- If it is okay to text you about this; we will not share your number with anyone)
Are you currently using Google Workspace in your practice as a mental health or allied health provider? *
Briefly describe how you are using Google Workspace in your practice (ex., as an EHR, Clinical Documentation, or other business purposes) *
Describe the tip, task or function you would like to share/ "teach" as part of the Google Workspace Course? *
Will you be able to record a video tutorial that can be used and edited for the course? *
Thanks for your interest in being a contributor to the Google Workspace for Therapists Course!! We'll be in touch soon about your application.
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