GSCC Award Nominations 2021
Do you know outstanding UW-Madison students? Help honor their accomplishments!

We are seeking nominations for the following awards, to be presented at our virtual 2021 Rainbow Graduation. Please let us know who helps make students' lives better! All nominees are notified, so you are making a difference to them even if they are not the final recipients.

Nominations due Friday, April 23.

Questions? Contact Katherine at or the GSCC at
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Emerging Leader Award
The Emerging Leader Award is presented to a student at UW-Madison who has made a positive impact on their community. This award honors individual growth, and may be awarded to a student who has shown personal identity development as well as public initiative.
Their preferred name
Nominee's email
Nominee's phone
Please identify two or three ways this student has grown, made a positive impact, or shown initiative.
Community Development Award
The Community Development Award is presented to a student who has gone above and beyond and excelled at bringing communities together on campus. Recipients have made commendable strides at the intersections of identity and community and their work has enriched the lives of their peers at UW-Madison.
Their preferred name
Nominee's email
Nominee's phone
Please briefly describe how this student has done intersectional work and/or built community on campus.
Rainbow Leadership Award
The Rainbow Leadership Award is presented to a student who has displayed exemplary leadership in their campus community. This may include formal engagement like internships, volunteering, or leading student organizations. It may also include informal leadership like peer mentoring, effort behind the scenes, and other forms of support.
Their preferred name
Nominee's email
Nominee's phone
Please identify two or three ways this student has displayed exemplary leadership.
Your Contact Information
We will use this to contact you in case we have questions. While we notify all nominees of their nominations, we won't share your name or information with them.
Preferred Name
Anything else you want to share, other thoughts, or questions:
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