2021 Conference Presenter Form
We are currently seeking proposals for our upcoming virtual conference that will be held on March 22 & 23.

The theme of this year's conference - Opportunities for Action - celebrates what makes PAEE so special: our ability as passionate environmental educators to promote change through action. Unique partnerships, diversity and inclusion, innovative programming, and governmental relations are just some of the topics that come to mind. Presentations should be interactive, engaging and fun. Presentations should incorporate experiences and activities from community events, school programs, advocacy work, staff trainings, etc.

Presenters are encouraged to take advantage of the virtual format to be able to showcase methods and locations that might not be possible with in-person learning. Prerecorded content can be helpful to ensure quality, however, presenters should be present to interact and answer questions, unless your content will be 'on-demand', which can feature asynchronous Q+A through chat features.

Options for presentations will be:
-Single Session (45 minute presentation)
-Double Session (two 45 minute sessions with the 15 minute break in-between)
-Lead a Facilitated Roundtable (45 minutes)
-Lightning Talk (Equally split a single 45 minute session with two other Lightning Talk presenters)
-On-demand (5-30 minutes pre-recorded)

The deadline to apply to be a presenter is December 4 , 2020.
(There is no fee to present but we do hope to see you as a participant for the rest of the conference!)
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