Loaves and Fishes (Raleigh) Volunteer Application
Loaves and Fishes has a variety of volunteer opportunities. Our afternoon program, working with youth K-8, operates between 2:30-5:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday, aligned primarily with Wake County Public School System’s traditional and modified calendar schedules. We also have volunteer opportunities to support our families, assist in fundraising and other events, and to assist in the management and governance of our organization. Specific volunteer opportunities will be discussed with you by a member of our staff.

Full and complete information is required for all volunteer prospects for us to verify data and run a background check.

1601 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Raleigh, NC  27610
Mail: P.O. Box 14596, Raleigh, NC  27620

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Full Name: *
Current Address (Street, City, State, Zip): *
Permanent Address (Street, City, State, Zip - if different from above):
Number of years at this address: *
Phone number: *
Email: *
Date of birth: *
Gender: *
Please provide TWO references (non-family members) and  include their name, phone number, relationship to you, and email:
Reference 1 (Name, Phone, Relationship, Email): *
Reference 2 (Name, Phone, Relationship, Email): *
Employer Name/Address:
Job Title:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor's Email:
Supervisor's Phone:
Year(s) employed:
High school and location: *
Vocational school or college/university and location:
Special Talent/Interest: *
Name of your Church/Faith Group or organizational affiliation if any:
Volunteer Questionnaire
Description of prior volunteer experience, if any: *
What do you want to receive for yourself from this volunteer experience?: *
How did you hear about us? *
Are there specific volunteer activities that you prefer? (Afternoon program, fundraising, family support) Please note below: *
If you choose to work hands-on with our Youth, have you worked with children before?  If yes, please identify your experience and what age-group(s) you enjoy: *
Are you comfortable assisting with one-to-one learning tasks and/or life enrichment activities? Or would you prefer to assist in small group activities? *
Have you previously mentored a youth? If so, please describe: *
Do you have special areas of expertise or gifts?  Music, art, sports, career prep, STEM subjects, etc. *
Do you have any other information or questions for LAF?
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