A statement of support for the ongoing inclusion of trans women in women's football - Let Trans Women Play!

For many years, the women's football community has welcomed - and continues to welcome - the participation of transgender women in the women's game, in accordance with the English FA's Policy on Trans People in Football. This statement provides an opportunity to show solidarity with trans-inclusive football clubs and their players across England and the rest of the U.K. An option is provided to sign the statement as an individual or on behalf of a club, league or organisation.

Trans women face exclusion in all aspects of UK life - in housing, at work, on social media and on the street.

Discrimination can leave trans women feeling isolated and can impact their mental health. Which is why being part of a football team and part of the wider women’s football family is so important for the small number of trans women who play the game.

Football improves both physical and mental health and helps people feel like they belong. This is especially important for trans women in a country that has recently seen a huge growth in transphobic hate crime.

A petition is currently being circulated to ask the English FA to ban trans women from affiliated football, so we are asking women involved in football and our allies to join us in asking the FA to continue to include trans women.

Women were banned from football for 50 years, not because we needed to be protected, but because women’s football was seen as too challenging. As women’s football grows, we must not now leave any women behind and this includes trans women, who can benefit hugely from being part of the game we love.

Join us now in calling on the FA to keep trans women playing


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