Living with your water well and/or septic system Winter 2025 registration options

Please select the zoom based webinar or in person event that you want to attend. 

Read each event carefully to make sure you select the one that works best for you. 

Some cover just the well system, some are just focused on septic systems, and then one that covers both options. 

Did you know there are possible contaminants in your well water that you cannot see, taste, or smell? Municipal water is regulated by the EPA so consumers can be quite confident that the quality of the water coming from their tap is sufficient. However, well water does not face such stringent regulations and contamination testing often only occurs when the well is first installed or in some locations when property ownership changes.

It is so important that well water users understand when and how to monitor their water quality and the associated benefits of doing so.  Proper maintenance and monitoring of your septic systems ensures proper treatment of the effluent and a longer life of the system. 

Learning steps to protect the health of your family, neighbors and animals, your property investment, and the safety of groundwater resources.

Registration for the webinar is required to receive the zoom link the day before. Webinar registration closes 24 hours before the class, if you try to register after that time you will need to choose another class offering.

In-Person events we request an RSVP but it is not required. Bring 1/2 cup of your well water for a screening. 

For additional questions you can email or leave a message at 541-713-5009

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Choose the session you want to attend. Make sure to double check if a session is in person or through Zoom. Zoom links are traditionally sent our the day before the session. In person sessions may not have reminders sent, so please arrive at least 5 minutes before the session begins to sign in. Multiple selections are allowed. *
First and Last Name (multiple people from the same household are encouraged to attend). *
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Address: please include city, state and county *
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