Holy Trinity Summer Play Scheme 2020
There are a lot of details that are required so this form may take some time to fill in.  

Please note that any children attending need to be toilet trained, if they are still prone to accidents please provide them with spare clothes.

When you have completed this form and submitted it we will email you to ask you to send in a recent photograph of your child. This along with the pick up password you provide in this form will support a secure pick up.
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Which weeks have you paid for your child to attend? *
Please provide us with a pick up password that you will use when collecting your child. *
What does your child like to be called? *
What is your child's legal surname?(family name) *
What is your child's date of birth? *
What is your child's gender? *
What is your full name? *
What is your date of birth? *
What is your current home address? *
What is your relationship to the child named above? *
What is your preferred contact phone number? *
Do you give us permission to send text messages to the phone number you have provided? *
What is your preferred email address? *
Do you give us permission to send emails to the email address you have provided? *
If you are working, what is your occupation?
Is there a court order regarding custody or access to your child in place? *
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