Salt City Honk! 2021 Call For Bands - Application
Salt City Honk! is a celebration of activist street bands and the arts.  UNiTY Street Inc. (the parent 501c3 of UNiTY Street Band) and Wildflowers Armory (a collaborative shop for local artists to sell their work) once again join forces to bring Salt City Honk! in conjunction with Crafted Art Fair to Syracuse, NY.  

Salt City Honk! will take place on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2021.  We will have the main event during the day and in the evening will do a community fundraiser called Honk! After Dark.
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What is the name of your band? *
What community does your band hail from? *
What is the mission of your band? *
Please provide a website and/or social media address. *
Tell us what interests you about Salt City HONK! *
How many people do you estimate would come to Salt City Honk! from your band? (We know this number is very likely to change, but try to get as close as possible). *
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