CancerModels.Org - Data submission questionnaire

⁤This form allows us to streamline the submission process of your models to CancerModels.Org. ⁤⁤Your input will help us make an assessment of your model information and provide you with the right templates for data submission. You can read more on our submission process here.

Since 1 January 2023 we are asking model providers to agree to share their data under the terms of CC0. This dedicates the data to the public domain, allowing downstream users to consume the data without restriction.

Thank you for your time and effort in submitting models to 

⁤If you have any queries, please feel free to email us or leave feedbackWe collect personal data in accordance with our privacy policy and we adhere to EMBL-EBI terms of use. The sharing link for this questionnaire is

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Q1. Model provider: full name - i.e. laboratory/institution/organisation (as you wish for it to be displayed on the website).
Q2. Model provider: Preferred abbreviation (as you wish for it to be displayed on the website). *
Q3. Model provider: Website (as you wish for it to be displayed on the website). *
Q4. Name of the principal investigator. 
Q5. Name of the main contact person (the name of the person/institutional group in charge with responding to model availability and sharing requests). *
Q6. Email of the main contact person (Please note that  this email will be made publicly available on for availability / sharing requests).
Q7. The role of the main contact person within the organisation.
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