EPSY 630 Statistics II Formative Assessment
The purpose of this survey is for me to get to know you better. There is no passing or failing, right or wrong answers. Please answer each section honestly. I will use the results in aggregate to inform the instruction in this class.
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Your Name *
Your preferred email address: *
Answer each statement from strongly disagree to strongly agree. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I find math interesting.
I get uptight during math tests.
I think that I will use math in the future.
Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.
Math relates to my life.
I worry about my ability to solve math problems.
I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.
I find math challenging.
Mathematics makes me feel nervous.
I would like to take more math classes.
Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.
Math is one of my favorite subjects.
I enjoy learning with mathematics.
Mathematics makes me feel confused.
Please rate your familiarity with the following statistical topics: *
Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Somewhat familiar
Moderately familiar
Extremely familiar
Descriptive Statistics (e.g. mean, median, mode, standard deviation)
Data visualizations (e.g. box plots, bar plots, histograms, scatter plots)
Central Limit Theorem
Null hypothesis testing
Chi-squared tests
Type I and II errors
Assumptions for regression
Linear regression
Multiple regression
Logistic regression
Predictive modeling
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