2023 SWEA Conference Presentation Proposal
DUE September 30, 2022

Conference Dates: March 17-18, 2023

We look forward to receiving your submission. Contact SWEA Conference Chair Jake Harkins at jake@songworkseducators.com if you have questions or want to discuss your thoughts.
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Email *
Your Name: *
City, State / Province / Territory, Country
Bio (60 words max): *
List academic credentials to support graduate credit offerings for the conference. Please list Degree, Major, College, and Year: *
Title of your session: *
Session Description: *
Maximum 75 words. Write the session description as it would appear in a college course catalog.
Session Type: *
Please briefly describe your past experiences (if applicable) presenting to educators.  *
Have you attended a SongWorks Conference before?
Have you attended any other SongWorks offerings (online SIPs, local workshops, or summer certification coursework)?
How, when, and/or from whom did you first hear about SongWorks?
List featured songs/music: *
Place an asterisk by the most-featured music in your presentation.
List featured SongWorks Principles and/or Practices (i.e. antiphonning, solfège, movement, mapping, etc.): *
Consider connections to the SongWorks Principles. View Principles and Practices at https://songworkseducatorsassociation.com/resources/songworks/
Request for instruments: *
Singing is central to SongWorks teaching. Instruments provide an additional pathway to music-making and literacy. Please consider carefully whether the percentage of time instruments are played warrants their use in your session.
Indicate the grade level(s) focus of your presentation: *
Indicate the preferred length for your presentation: *
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