Corinth Small Groups - Fall 2024
The Corinth ministry (the young adult ministry of Living Hope at FKBC, comprised generally of singles and couples with no kids in their 20s and 30s) will kick-off its Fall 2024 ministry year in the first week of September. One component of our ministry will be small groups. Different from years past, not everyone will be automatically assigned to a small group, and we are asking those who can commit to being present and prepared at the bi-weekly meetings to sign up for small group participation. 

We hope that you will prayerfully consider whether the Corinth small group is something you can commit to for this ministry year and if so, encourage you to take some time to fill out this form. We look forward to a year of deep connection with each other as we study the Bible and other resources to become more and more like the Jesus, the perfecter of our faith. We will kick-off with a study of Exodus, followed by other more topical studies (currently considering a study on the life and character of David, and another on living in community). 

Understanding that young adulthood often brings some unpredictability (whether in work/school schedule or otherwise), we know that not everyone will be able to participate in a small group, at least not now. But please note we will also have large group meetings on the first and third Fridays of each month where no such commitment is required. So even if committing to a small group is not for you in this season, we sincerely hope to see you and worship with you during our Friday meetings.

Recognizing this is a departure from the way we've typically small groups, we want to make clear that we really hope many of you will join us for small group. If you have any doubts or questions, please reach out so we can talk about it as you pray over your decision!

Please reach out to Shin Song if you have any questions.

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Name: *
Age: *
Please briefly share your faith journey. By "faith journey" we are asking for a condensed version of what people often refer to as their "testimony." But please don't feel like you need to give a full blown testimony here! *
How long you have been a part of Living Hope at FKBC. If you have been at Living Hope for less than a year, please share what other experiences of church and small group you have had at other churches.
Understanding that life happens and things will come up, can you otherwise commit to preparing for, attending and participating in a small group this year? *
Please briefly share what you are looking forward to or hoping for in this small group. *
Small groups will meet bi-weekly (generally on the second and fourth weeks of each month). Please check all times that would work for you. *
If you chose multiple options, please let us know if you have a strong preference for one of the days. 
If you have any questions, comments or general feedback, please let us know below and we will do our best to get back to you. 
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