IHC 2024- Potential Speaker Application
All 50 IHC breakout session slots are full for 2023. We have been getting a lot of requests to be a part of the speaker lineup. In order for us to keep track of all of the info for people inquiring for 2024, we have set up this form to help us get to know people and to get contact info collected in a place that we won't lose it. 
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Name? *
Business Name, if you have one?
Your City and State?
Phone Number? *
Email Address? *
Do you have Social Media and Website Links from your organization you want to share with us? Please list links. *
Have you spoken at events before? If so, please list them. *
What topics have you presented on in the past, and what topics are you interested in presenting on at IHC? *
Give a brief overview of your favorite speaking topic and how it would be beneficial for the IHC attendees?
Can you provide examples of presentations you have done in the past via links to videos of your presentations or provide references from people who are familiar with your presentations? *
Are you expecting payment for speaking? If so what range do you typically expect?  *
Comments or Questions?
Thanks so much for your interest in The Indiana Homesteading Conference!! We will be working hard throughout the year to identify the topics people are most interested in hearing about for the 2024 conference. We will be in contact with potential speakers as we get ready to start working on various parts of next year's event.
A breakout session from IHC 2022
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