The Ankler's 1st Annual Oscar Pool
Welcome to The Ankler's 1st Annual Oscar Pool! The 96th Academy Awards ceremony takes place on March 10, 2024, and we are giving YOU a chance to be crowned winner. First-place winners  we should expect multiple people from this industry to get every category right . . . right— will receive: 
* A shout-out in The Wakeup newsletter and on The Ankler podcast. And, for the extroverted, a chance to come on for a quick interview.
* A one-year paid subscription to The Ankler, either added on to your existing paid subscription, or as a gift to give (even to yourself).
* An Ankler baseball hat.

Please submit answers by 9 a.m. PT on March 10. May the best prognosticators win!

(Only open to subscribers, and valid for one ballot per subscriber) 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Check as many as apply to you
Email (used for subscription) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you a paid subscriber? *
1 point
1 point
1 point
Sound *
1 point
Live Action Short Film *
1 point
Animated Short Film *
1 point
Production Design *
1 point
Original Song *
1 point
Original Score *
1 point
Makeup and Hairstyling *
1 point
International Feature Film of the Year *
1 point
Film Editing *
1 point
Documentary Short Film *
1 point
Documentary Feature Film *
1 point
Directing *
1 point
Costume Design *
1 point
Cinematography *
1 point
Animated Feature Film *
1 point
Actress in a Supporting Role *
1 point
Actress in a Leading Role *
1 point
Actor in a Supporting Role *
1 point
Actor in a Leading Role *
1 point
Best Picture
1 point
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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