CNH Membership Application Form
Membership in the Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria is open to institutions within our geographic scope whose collections include regional holdings.
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Email *
Institution Name *
Included Herbaria *
If there is more than one herbarium, provide a semicolon separated list of herbaria with Index Herbariorium codes. For example: Yale University Herbarium, YU; Connecticut Botanical Society Herbarium, NCBS...
Address *
Street *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
URL to institutional website
Primary Representative Name *
Primary Representative email *
Additional Representative Name
Additional Representative email
Total number of specimens hosed within collections/herbaria *
Percent of specimens databased *
Total number of algal specimens
Total number of diatom specimens
Total number of bryophyte specimens
mosses, liverworts, and hornworts
Total number of fungal specimens
Total number of lichen specimens
Total number of vascular plant specimens
Primary use of collection *
e.g., research, education, etc.
Noteworthy aspects of collections
Is your institution sharing specimen data and/or images online *
If your institution is sharing data/images, please provide a URL to your institutional website/portal
Additional comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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