Petition to Oppose HISD State Takeover / Petición para oponerse a la adquisición estatal de HISD

En español aqui.   

The Texas Education Agency and Governor Abbott took over Houston ISD by force on June 1, 2023. Sign this petition to support the end of the HISD takeover.

TEA appointed superintendent F Mike Miles has closed all of the libraries in Black and Brown communities and students are prohibited from reading books during English class. Half of the principals and 40% of HISD's teachers have left HISD have in just the first year of the takeover. Teachers no longer need to be certified or even have college degrees.

Miles spent $100M on furniture and equipment HISD already had. He tripled the number of Central Office staff earning more than $200K while gutting wraparound services and homeless support. 

The takeover of the largest school district in Texas is a politically motivated, irresponsible experiment that is worsening inequities and disenfranchising Houston voters. 

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