Tantra Shakti: Required Reading Google Form
Please answer the following questions about the required reading for Tantra Shakti: TANTRA UNVEILED by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait. All questions are fill-in-the-blank.This google form was designed to make sure you gleaned some of the most important points of the text.
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE TAKING THE QUIZ: Upon successful completion of both course and form, we will email you a PDF of your certificate of completion for the Tantra Shakti PYMT. We have included many correct answer options, but do suggest to keep your answers as simple as possible (for example, do not use all caps, diacritic accents or symbols such as slashes, dashes, parentheses, etc.). IF YOUR ANSWER IS CLOSE BUT MARKED INCORRECT DUE TO YOUR ANSWER'S FORMAT, NO WORRIES! WE WILL MARK IT AS CORRECT.