Tantra Shakti: Required Reading Google Form
Please answer the following questions about the required reading for Tantra Shakti: TANTRA UNVEILED by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait. All questions are fill-in-the-blank.This google form was designed to make sure you gleaned some of the most important points of the text.

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Chapter 1 According to tantric theory, there is a perfect equation between the human being and the __________, each having the same, corresponding active and dormant forces. *
1 point
Chapter 1 The highest tantric practices are the ten schools of maha vidya (the great knowledge) and among them, ____  _______ is the most comprehensive. Its goal is to impart to the student direct experience of the primordial life force so that the relationship between the microcosm and microcosm is fully understood. *
1 point
Chapter 1 A yantra is an equation expressed geometrically, designed to visually convey a specific practice. The most comprehensive one which conveys the entire doctrine and practice of Sri Vidya is the ____  ________ (also called Sri Chakra). *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 3 The basis for the three major schools of tantra are the three major categories of tantric practices: those which use external objects (kaula), those which are purely meditative (samaya) and those which are a combination of the two (_________). *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 3 Kaula is derived from the word “_____” which means “family.” “Kaulas” refer to tantrics who believe that every aspect of creation is part of a divine family. This is the school of Tantra that is primarily external in nature. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 4 According to the tantric tradition, ________ is not simply an object for focusing the mind but also a living Divinity, the body of the Divine Force in the form of sound. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 4 There are two tantric practices used to complement mantra sadhana, they are ________  ___________ (meditating on the personified form of the deity at the heart center while reciting the corresponding mantra) and nyasa (a practice which helps to synchronize the forces of mantra with the different limbs and organs of your body). *
Use the sanskrit phrase for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 4 A course of mantra practice given to you by a qualified teacher is called a _______________, this involves completing a specific amount of japa (mantra recitations) in a defined period of time. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 5 While mantra enables you to recognize your relationship with the Divine Mother, it is __________ that deepens your understanding of the dynamic forces that emanate from Her, or your own relationship with those forces, which lie beyond the normal realm of consciousness. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 5 Ganesha oversees the entire process of the subtle, vibrationless state of sound in the muladhara chakra called _______ as it ascends through the chakras. He is also associated with the sacred sound Om and is said to be the gatekeeper at the palace of the Divine Mother. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 6  The personified form of the mantra at your heart center is called _______  ______. Returning your mind to this is a basic element of chakra puja. *
Use the sanskrit phrase for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 7 The tantric practices of Sri Vidya that lead to peace and happiness (shanti karma) and health and healing (paushtika karma) have only the following as prerequisites: a basic meditation and pranayama practice, a _______ japa practice and adherence to yama and niyama limbs of Classical yoga. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
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